2013年8月31日 星期六
2013年8月23日 星期五
Lawmakers Probe Willful Abuses of Power by NSA Analysts

The leaders of U.S. congressional intelligence committees said they want to probe the intentional abuses of surveillance authority committed by some National Security Agency analysts in the past decade.
“I am reviewing each of these incidents in detail,” Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat and chairman of the Senate intelligence panel, said in a statement, after the NSA confirmed to Bloomberg News yesterday that some analysts deliberately ignored restrictions on their authority to spy on Americans.
“Any case of noncompliance is unacceptable, but these small numbers of cases do not change my view that NSA takes significant care to prevent any abuses and that there is a substantial oversight system in place,” Feinstein said.
The incidents, chronicled by the NSA’s inspector general, provide additional evidence that U.S. intelligence agencies sometimes have violated the legal and administrative restrictions on domestic spying, and may add to the pressure to bolster laws that govern intelligence activities.
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“The National Security Agency (NSA) cloud is about big data and creating unicorns.dataversity.net : big data at the nsa |
how-the-nsa-collects-contents-of-internet-traffic |
The leaders of U.S. congressional intelligence committees said they want to probe the intentional abuses of surveillance authority committed by some National Security Agency analysts in the past decade.
The Threat Operations Center
inside the National Security Agency in Fort Mead, Maryland, in this 2006
file photo. Photographer: Paul J. Richards/AFP via Getty Images
“Any case of noncompliance is unacceptable, but these small numbers of cases do not change my view that NSA takes significant care to prevent any abuses and that there is a substantial oversight system in place,” Feinstein said.
The incidents, chronicled by the NSA’s inspector general, provide additional evidence that U.S. intelligence agencies sometimes have violated the legal and administrative restrictions on domestic spying, and may add to the pressure to bolster laws that govern intelligence activities.
Syria: Chuck Hagel suggests US is marshalling military forces
Reuters theguardian.com
- theguardian.com,
Defence secretary Chuck Hagel.
which he attacked from the back, from the sea .
US defence secretary says his department is providing Barack Obama with 'options for all contingencies'
The US defence secretary, Chuck Hagel,
strongly suggested on Friday the United States was positioning naval
forces and assets in anticipation of any decision by President Barack Obama to order military action against Syria after apparent chemical weapons use.
Hagel's comments to reporters traveling with him to Malaysia came after a defence official said the Navy would expand its presence in the Mediterranean with a fourth cruise-missile armed warship because of the escalating civil war in Syria.
Hagel's comments to reporters traveling with him to Malaysia came after a defence official said the Navy would expand its presence in the Mediterranean with a fourth cruise-missile armed warship because of the escalating civil war in Syria.
2013年8月17日 星期六
Manila, Washington begin talks to increase U.S. troop rotations
Just like Rome seige Carthage . Because support of
strong alliance , Rome republic finally defeated Hannibal.
(Reuters) - The United States and the Philippines begin formal negotiations this week to increase rotational presence of U.S. forces in the former U.S. colony, deploying aircraft, ships, supplies and troops for humanitarian and maritime security operations.
富邦人壽 蠢到爆炸── 富邦退出實體百貨 環亞店、信義店由微風廣場接手

在台灣 要成功經營百貨業
http://www.libertytimes 自由時報
http://news.chinatimes 工商時報: 富邦玩不下去 momo百貨轉手微風
〔記者卓怡君、廖千瑩/台北報導〕富邦momo退出實體百貨!富邦momo媒體科技董事會決定結束 旗下實體百貨商場營運,旗下兩個據點將轉由微風廣場經營。富邦momo董事長林福星表示,近年台灣消費力不佳,百貨競爭激烈,momo百貨規模不大,獲利 不易,未來將專注虛擬電視購物與網購業務。
2013年8月15日 星期四
2013年8月13日 星期二
買劉黎兒關鍵字推核安 廠商:去問經濟部
http://newtalk.tw新頭殼newtalk 2013.08.12 林朝億/台北報導
appledaily蘋果日報: 經濟部「強迫洗腦」 劉黎兒斥「卑鄙可惡至極」
旅日作家劉黎兒近年來投入台灣廢核運動,但在奇摩雅虎輸入「劉黎兒」名字,卻出現「確保核安 穩健減核」網站連結。連去這個網站,雖然出現經濟部等字眼,但卻都沒有任何說明這是經濟部所架設的擁核網站。對此,廠商偉瑟科技蘇姓經理受訪時向新頭殼表 示,關鍵字的廣告非他們所購買,相關事宜要去問經濟部。
http://newtalk.tw新頭殼newtalk 2013.08.12 林朝億/台北報導
appledaily蘋果日報: 經濟部「強迫洗腦」 劉黎兒斥「卑鄙可惡至極」
旅日作家劉黎兒近年來投入台灣廢核運動,但在奇摩雅虎輸入「劉黎兒」名字,卻出現「確保核安 穩健減核」網站連結。連去這個網站,雖然出現經濟部等字眼,但卻都沒有任何說明這是經濟部所架設的擁核網站。對此,廠商偉瑟科技蘇姓經理受訪時向新頭殼表 示,關鍵字的廣告非他們所購買,相關事宜要去問經濟部。
緊急下架 已被備份瘋狂轉貼
〔記者蘇芳禾/台北報導〕中央社昨早發出「亞錦賽錯稱中國台北 抗議奏效」的新聞,詳述我方抗議過程,但標題前方竟注明「總編裁示不發」(見圖,取材自中央社網站)引發外界側目,其後,中央社更進一步撤稿,各大入口網站的新聞也跟著下架,但已經遭到網友備份轉貼,網路論壇上罵聲不斷,「爛透了!納稅錢還來」、「中央社已經當新華社(中國國家通訊社)分支了嗎?」
緊急下架 已被備份瘋狂轉貼
〔記者蘇芳禾/台北報導〕中央社昨早發出「亞錦賽錯稱中國台北 抗議奏效」的新聞,詳述我方抗議過程,但標題前方竟注明「總編裁示不發」(見圖,取材自中央社網站)引發外界側目,其後,中央社更進一步撤稿,各大入口網站的新聞也跟著下架,但已經遭到網友備份轉貼,網路論壇上罵聲不斷,「爛透了!納稅錢還來」、「中央社已經當新華社(中國國家通訊社)分支了嗎?」
2013年8月12日 星期一
The hyperloop: Faster than speed of sound
The hyperloop railway. Picture: Supplied
CAPABLE of travelling faster than the speed of sound, the
'hyperloop' could soon become the 'fifth mode of transport' if the
dreams of its billionaire creator come true.
Reaching speeds of more than 1102 kilometres per hour, and
described as "a cross between a Concorde, a railgun, and an air-hockey
table", the hyperloop could get you to your destination in half the time
of the average plane.2013年8月11日 星期日
President Obama meets with Tim Cook, other tech execs to discuss surveillance and the ACLU's response
by Michael Grothaus Aug 9th 2013
Thursday, President Barack Obama met with Tim Cook and other tech
executives from companies like Google and AT&T to discuss government
liberties leaders were also at the closed-door meeting. The White House
declined to comment about the details of the meeting, and all the
attendees also declined to comment to Politico about any specifics.
However, a White House aide did tell Politico:
"This is one of a number of discussions the administration is having with experts and stakeholders in response to the president's directive to have a national dialogue about how to best protect privacy in a digital era, including how to respect privacy while defending our national security."
2013年8月9日 星期五
Lavabit email service abruptly shut down citing government interference
Spencer Ackerman in Washington
theguardian.com, Friday 9 August 2013 07.58 BST
Founder of service reportedly used by Edward Snowden said he would not be complicit in 'crimes against the American people'
The email service reportedly used by surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden abruptly shut down on Thursday after its owner cryptically announced his refusal to become "complicit in crimes against the American people."
2013年8月8日 星期四
信義A25流標 恐降價或改地上權
信義A25流標 恐降價或改地上權
2013年8月5日 星期一
Thief caught after he ‘steals stretch of road’
Monday 5 Aug 2013 4:59 pm
Thieves normally steal objects that are easy to transport so it might have come as a surprise when one criminal reportedly made off with a whole stretch of road.
Just as confusing was the fact that no-one seemingly noticed part of the Russian highway had gone until the man had dismantled a large portion of it and removed 82 slabs of concrete.
The only possible explanations for this were he was either very quick when he made his getaway in the republic of Komi, or the place was deserted.
The street pieces were apparently loaded on to three large trucks after being chiselled off by a machine thought to be an industrial manipulator (a combined forklift and bulldozer).
The vehicles were later stopped by police.
2013年8月3日 星期六
2013年8月2日 星期五
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