習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 10月 2013

2013年10月31日 星期四


読売新聞 10月31日(木)19時54分配信


中信銀砸156億 買東京之星銀行libertytimes
〔記者李靚慧/台北報導〕中信金(2891)董事會昨日也通過傳言許久的日本「東京之星」併購案,子公司中國信託商銀昨日與東京之星2大股東,簽定股權購買合約,中信銀以520億日圓(約156億台幣)取得日本東京之星銀行(Tokyo Star Bank)98.16%股權,未來將持續向剩餘股東收購股權,以100%持股為目標,但「東京之星」的銀行名稱不會改變,以穩固既有日本客戶的業務。

2013年10月24日 星期四

Japan Needs More Brawling Billionaires

Japan Needs More Brawling Billionaires

Japan is being treated to a juicy spectacle as two of its richest and most innovative entrepreneurs brawl in public over Internet market share and visions for the future. But what’s most important about the fight between Masayoshi Son and Hiroshi Mikitani is the example it’s setting.
The two men have much in common. They are self-made billionaires who founded game-changing technology companies -- Son with mobile-phone carrier SoftBank Corp., Mikitani with e-commerce giant Rakuten Inc. Each is his company’s largest shareholder, fully fluent in English (a rarity in corporate Japan) and U.S.-educated (Son at the University of California at Berkeley; Mikitani at Harvard University). Both are married with two kids. Both make splashy investments in overseas Internet companies (Son in Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.; Mikitani in Pinterest Inc.). Both are sports nuts who own baseball teams.

Son and Mikitani are also the faces of New Japan and unapologetic critics of Japan Inc.’s clubby, insular ways. They oppose nuclear power, a stance that puts them in direct conflict with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Japan’s powerful business lobby, Nippon Keidanren.
Above all, both share a passion for change and are the kind of creature Japan needs more of as it tries to end a 20-year funk. As they mix it up and make headlines around the globe, they are adding some much-needed energy to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s revival plans.

2013年10月11日 星期五

Shinzo Abe: Unleashing the Power of 'Womenomics'

cn.wsj 安倍晉三:讓“女性經濟學”發揮威力



Our goal in Japan is to boost women in the workforce significantly by 2020 and reduce pay disparity.

I have no idea who first coined the word "Abenomics." It was not my original term for the set of anti-deflation, growth-promotion policies I am now pursuing.
I do know, however, who first promoted one concept that is a vital component of Abenomics: "Womenomics." In 1999, Kathy Matsui and her colleagues at Goldman Sachs GS +0.95% first advocated that Japan could increase its gross domestic product by as much as 15% simply by tapping further its most underutilized resource—Japanese women.

2013年10月8日 星期二


自由電子報 - 侯寬仁批馬 呼叫蔡守訓

◎ 高英俊








2013年10月5日 星期六

長江澳洲逃稅 要繳7億美元/李嘉誠脫產 全為愛爾蘭O2

長江澳洲逃稅 要繳7億美元
2013.10.04 03:50 am



報導指出,8月30日澳洲聯邦法院維多利亞分院法官Michelle Gordon判處長江基建3.57億美元、電能實業3.7億美元及2000年至2009年間長江實業的逃稅款項和未及時向各稅收部門繳交的罰金。

2013年10月4日 星期五

Exposure: Inside the Olympus Scandal: How I Went from CEO to Whistleblower (2012) by Michael Woodford (Author)



 It's a corrupt giant Japanese company. That's why Japan had a lost 20 years. Plutocrcy is the answer of all the enigma about Japan . As Van Wolferen, 
Karel said in "The Enigma of Japanese Power " : 
「Japanese power is described as being held by a loose group of unaccountable elites who operate behind the scenes. Because this power is loosely held, those who wield it escape responsibility for the consequences when things go wrong as there is no one who can be held accountable.」en.wikipedia
博客來 告密者:Olympus前執行長捨命揭露20年假帳的故事

“It was no comfort to know that I was making history, for the forced removal of a company president is almost unheard of in Japan. I rose quietly, left the room, and holding my head high, walked back to my office. My main goal was to escape as quickly as pos­sible. The board had seemed scared—why else would they have acted the way they did. But just what were they scared of?”
When Michael Woodford was made president of Olympus—the company to which he had dedi­cated thirty years of his career—he became the first Westerner ever to climb the ranks of one of Japan’s corporate giants. Some wondered at the appointment—how could a gaijin who didn’t even speak Japanese understand how to run a Japanese company? But within months Wood­ford had gained the confidence of most of his colleagues and shareholders. Unfortunately, soon after, his dream job turned into a nightmare.
The trouble began when Woodford learned about a series of bizarre mergers and aquisi­tions deals totaling  $1.7 billion—ascandal that threatened to bring down the entire company if exposed. He turned to his fellow executives— including the chairman who had promoted him Tsuyoshi Kikukawa—for answers. But instead of being heralded as a hero for trying to save the company, Woodford was met with vague responses and hostility—a clear sign of a cover up. Undeterred, he demanded to be made CEO so he could have more leverage with his board and continue to search for the truth. Then, just weeks after being granted the top title, he was fired in a boardroom coup that shocked Japan and the business world at large. Worried his for­mer bosses might try to silence him, Woodford immediately fled the country in fear of his life and went straight to the press—making him the first CEO of a global multinational to blow the whistle on his own company.

Citigroup fined $30 million after analyst sent report to SAC, others


(Reuters) - Citigroup Inc will pay a $30 million fine after one of its analysts improperly sent confidential research on an Apple supplier to big clients including Steven A. Cohen's hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, a securities regulator said on Thursday.
Citigroup analyst Kevin Chang emailed unpublished research about Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, a major supplier of Apple Inc iPhones, to SAC, T. Rowe Price, Citadel and GLG Partners, according to William Galvin, Massachusetts' Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Chang's research included lower order forecasts for Apple's iPhones in the first quarter of 2013, which would have had a detrimental effect on Apple, the regulator said.

2013年10月3日 星期四

台灣司法小暴君:翻盤 黃世銘圖再辦柯建銘 緊咬電通案 分案查偽證 證人拒絕作證,行使緘默權 要限制住居,又被律師指正說:「他字案不能作強制處分,下次傳喚請改偵字案再說。」

不僅涉嫌濫權追訴 甚至連證人他字案不能作強制處分



2013年10月1日 星期二


libertytimes 退出校園喊假的 教官轉進國中小
新北市新莊區裕民國小九月二十七日邀請丹鳳高中教官張偉晃到校,對六年級學生演講,祭出有獎徵答吸引小朋友注意。 (記者郭顏慧攝)

現在 高中大學也要淘汰它們


