習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 12月 2013

2013年12月9日 星期一

Japan enacts controversial state secrecy law

Is it a signal or preparation before sino-japan war ? 
Jiji Press -- Dec 07
Japan's House of Councillors passed into law a controversial state secrecy law on Friday after days of a standoff between the ruling and opposition camps.
The 242-member Upper House controlled by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its New Komeito ally adopted the bill by a vote of 130 to 82.

2013年12月5日 星期四

Spanish jobseekers flood and crash Ikea server


AFP/The Local | 4 Dec 2013, 13:45
A new Ikea store in Spain prompted so many job applications that the company's internet server crashed, forcing the Swedish furniture behemoth to suspend the hiring process.
A flood of 20,000 applications for jobs at a new Ikea store in Spain crashed the company's internet server, forcing it to suspend the hiring process, the Swedish furniture giant said on Wednesday.
The company posted an online questionnaire on Monday for applicants to work at the store, due to open early next year in Alfafar in the eastern region of Valencia where the unemployment rate is over 28 percent. 
"We have received so many applications to work for us in Ikea Valencia Alfafar that our server has collapsed," the company said in a Facebook message.
"We have temporarily closed the process until we find a solution that enables the online form to function correctly," added a spokesman for Ikea in Spain, Rodrigo Sanchez.
DON'T MISS: The biggest Ikeas in the world
"We have received a total of 20,000 applications in the two days that the form has been available," for a total of 400 jobs in the store, Sanchez told AFP.
He said that was four times more applications in the first two days than during any of Ikea's previous 15 store openings in Spain   
The largest ever number of applications to work at Ikea in Spain was 50,000 for its store that opened in the southern city of Jerez in 2009 -- but those applications were spread over a whole month, he said.
Sanchez said the new branch would create 400 direct jobs in the store and 80 more indirect ones for workers such as security guards and cleaners, and involved an investment of $109 million.
The online application page on Wednesday displayed an apologetic message promising to get in touch with all those who had tried to apply.
"We want to thank all of you for your interest in joining the team at Ikea Valencia Alfafar and apologize for the trouble caused."
Five years of on-off recession sparked by the collapse of a building boom in 2008 have thrown millions of Spaniards out of work. The national unemployment rate is currently close to 26 percent.

How the NSA is tracking people right now


Back to Housing Bubbles

 project-syndicate by Nouriel Roubini


羅比尼警告 18國房市現泡沫


羅 比尼近日在「Project Syndicate」撰文指出,很多國家房市泡沫破裂是造成二○○八到二○○九年全球金融危機主因,隨後更出現嚴重衰退。其中美國房市泡沫破滅已廣為人 知,而法規及銀行監理更鬆散的英國、西班牙、愛爾蘭、冰島及杜拜等國也都出現房市泡沫破滅情況。

2013年12月3日 星期二

中國人權惡化 (維權律師高智晟)「牙籤插生殖器」酷刑仍存

【大陸中心/台北報導】曾協助山東盲人維權律師陳光誠逃往美國的對華援助協會牧師傅希秋今在台北呼籲,台灣對中國的人權問題切勿採取「鴕鳥政策」,如果台 灣持續漠視中國人權議題,將會讓中國民眾對台灣的民主產生質疑。他透露維權律師高智晟被關押期間,曾遭「牙籤插入生殖器」的酷刑,中共殘酷令人髮指。



俄海關截獲 中國製熨斗、電熱壺藏間諜晶片


〔編譯詹立群/綜合外電報導〕在俄羅斯遭控贈送含木馬病毒的隨身碟給二十國集團與會者之後,又傳出 俄羅斯海關人員在中國出口的家電,包括電熱水壺、熨斗、手機與行車紀錄器中發現藏有微型竊聽晶片,通電時藉由未加密無線網路WiFi連結兩百公尺內的電 腦,將在俄國蒐集的資料傳回中國伺服器。
英 國科技網站The Register報導,在這批可疑家電中,發現有二十到三十個藏有晶片。而俄羅斯國家電視台Rossiya24畫面顯示,工程師從拆開的中國製熨斗底部取 出間諜晶片,稱為「小麥克風」。根據「透視俄羅斯」消息,此批家電在從中國離岸前就因重量有差異遭俄國海關鎖定,貨物被攔截在中俄邊界,經專家檢查後發現 被植入晶片。負責該批貨物的俄國報關行Panimport經理帕夫洛夫稱,這批貨物屬於黑貂公司(Sable Ltd.),隱藏晶片可用來滲透公司內部網路,在不知情下將資料外傳。報導稱,至少逾三十款家電被送往聖彼得堡的零售商販售。
專家質疑 竊聽平民不合常理
但也有專家反駁,畢竟竊聽一般平民不合常理,且家電通常處於斷電狀態。科技網誌Gizmodo報導,這也有可能是一場誤會,因為無線WiFi熱水壺早已問世。The Register也質疑,從家電出現些微重量差異就能判斷出異狀,未免太不可思議。


