習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 5月 2013

2013年5月31日 星期五

HSBC appoints ex-MI5 chief Sir Jonathan Evans to board


Now, 007's boss Mr. M  will join HSBC to help combat financial crime.

Is he against British's clause of  revolving door ? 

Or HSBC as a personalized organism can evolve like 

rats have “double view” of world,

good for de­tect­ing preda­tors.
Sir Jonathan Evans
Sir Jonathan Evans spent 33 years at MI5, where he was the director-general for six years

The former director-general of MI5 is to join HSBC's board as a non-executive director in August.
Sir Jonathan Evans, who spent three decades at the intelligence service, will be paid £125,000 to work 40 days a year at the bank.
He will also become a member of a special committee HSBC created to help combat financial crime.
The unit was set up after the bank was fined $2bn (£1.3bn) in the US over money laundering and sanction breaches.

Rats have “double view” of world

May 28, 2013
Courtesy of Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
and World Science staff
If you’ve ev­er ex­pe­ri­enced how hard it is to sneak up on a fuzzy but un­wanted lit­tle ro­dent, here may be your ex­plana­t­ion.

Rats see the world very dif­fer­ently from us, re­search­ers say, be­cause they’re able to keep the world above them in per­ma­nent view—but ap­par­ently can’t merge the views from both eyes in­to one im­age.

With hawks and the like trail­ing ro­dents at ev­ery op­por­tun­ity, na­ture seems to have just de­cid­ed the first abil­ity is im­por­tant enough to sac­ri­fice the sec­ond, said the sci­en­tists.

2013年5月30日 星期四

2013年5月29日 星期三

Taiwan's new Great Firewall


Taiwan proposes China-style block on overseas Internet services that infringe copyright


China is famous for its unique Internet censorship policy — known as the Great Firewall — which restricts content, and in particular sites and services from overseas, preventing its 500 million-plus Internet users from having free reign online. Now that policy could be duplicated in Taiwan, where officials have proposed a list of sites that will be blocked.

Founders of ‘PayPal for criminals’ Liberty Reserve are charged with money laundering

New York lawyers say $6bn of ill-gotten gains were processed though money-transfer service

A federal grand jury in the United States has charged the operators of a digital currency and money transfer business with running a sprawling enterprise that allegedly helped criminals to launder some $6bn in ill-gotten gains over the past seven years.

The allegations against Costa Rica-based Liberty Reserve, its founder, Arthur Budovsky, and six other men connected to the business, were made in an indictment unsealed in New York. The accusations follow a series of arrests late last week in Costa Rica, New York and in Spain, where authorities detained Mr Budovsky.

Liberty Reserve had described itself as being the internet’s “oldest, safest and most popular payment processor... serving millions all around a world”. But prosecutors claim that the business, which was established in 2006 and was shut down last week, was “one of the principal means by cyber-criminals around the world to distribute, store and launder the proceeds of their illegal activity”. One law enforcement official told The New York Times that Liberty Reserve, which allowed users to transfer large sums money without ever identifying themselves, was “really PayPal for criminals”.

2013年5月26日 星期日














王老師學生代出面 指當年不知毒澱粉原料有害 【21:40】



2013年5月24日 星期五





























文化部成立一年,部長龍應台自評施政績效,宣稱最不滿意公共電視董事會難產,且此事已成國際醜聞, 如情況持續,她贊成廢除公視。龍應台這一發言,立即招致各界撻伐,有立委批她沒能力、不負責,公視工會理事長要她「做不來、就換人」,前董事長認為公視如 係醜聞,「也是龍應台製造出來的」。

成人專區 網拍A片…無罪

釋字第 617 號 : 憲法第十一條保障人民之言論及出版自由,旨在確保意見之自由流通,使人民有取得充分資訊及實現自我之機會。性言論之表現與性資訊之流通,不問是否出於營利之目的,亦應受上開憲法對言論及出版自由之保障。惟憲法對言論及出版自由之保障並非絕對,應依其性質而有不同之保護範疇及限制之準則,國家於符合憲法第二十三條規定意旨之範圍內,得以法律明確規定對之予以適當之限制。


2013年5月23日 星期四

台酒板橋地上權 新光人壽近15億得標




自由時報【2013/5/23 22:32】

〔本報訊〕台灣菸酒公司新北市板橋區新板段地上權開發案,今(23)天二度標售,最後由新光人壽以14.888億元得標取得727坪的地上權,據了解,新 光人壽未來將在該處打造其新北市企業總部大樓,拆算每坪地上權單價約204萬元溢價率約20%,創下新北市地上權價格新高,行情直逼台北市地上權行情。

Amazon Is Building A Biosphere For Its Employees


seattletimes : Amazon’s plan for giant spheres gets mixed reaction The three glass-and-steel spheres Amazon.com has proposed as the “heart” of its high-rise complex in Seattle’s Denny Triangle drew mixed reviews Tuesday.
Amazon’s proposed new office building will be a little different from most.

Who needs a boring office park when you have a 65,000-square-foot glass dome?

If you’ve ever dreamed of working in a lush, greenery-filled dome, consider moving to Seattle. That’s where Amazon is building a biosphere (made out of three intersecting domes) alongside a new skyscraper project. Plans for the 65,000 square foot structure, unveiled earlier this month, call for a general temperature range of 68 to 72 degrees and plants from high-elevation climates (that’s the "montane ecologies" below) that can thrive in the weather.
From Amazon’s planning document:

This Is Your Body On A Can Of Soda


The "copy cat" terrorists in London

They are not only "copy cat" terrorists ,as Richard Barrett says,

they are cowerdly desperate about their wrongly beliefs 

that can't be fulfilled in this secular modern world.

What we can learn from Ingrid Loyau-Kennet's grace under pressure In Woolwich, a seemingly ordinary woman did something extraordinary. Her humanity may well have saved lives 

london-attack-betrayal-islam-cameron tvnz

British Prime Minister David Cameron said the brutal killing of a soldier who was hacked to death in London by two men shouting Jihadist slogans was a betrayal of Islam.
"We will never give in to terror or terrorism in any of its forms," Cameron told reporters outside his Downing Street residence.
"This was not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life, it was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country.

There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act."

2013年5月22日 星期三

Kevo revolution of the key

New Electronic Door Lock: Just Touch To Open

Look Ma, no key! UniKey electronic door lock can be opened or locked by touch; keys 'sent' via smartphone app


 By: Stewart WolpinMay 6, 2013

It may have a key hole, but this revolutionary but otherwise orginary-looking UniKey electronic lock does't need a key – you lock and unlock it by simply touching it.

A fellow called Phil Dumas has seemingly done the impossible – he's actually invented a better mousetrap or, more specifically, a better door lock.

2013年5月20日 星期一

Teen creates gadget that could charge your cellphone in 20 seconds



California 18-year-old Esha Khare amazed judges at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Next stop: Harvard.
Monday, May 20, 2013, 10:28 AM

This futuristic gizmo developed by a California teen in her spare time could revolutionize cellphone technology.

Esha Khare is being courted by Google and other tech giants after she wowed the world with a device that may soon be able to charge a phone in 20 seconds flat.

The 18-year-old, from Saratoga, scooped a $50,000 prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Phoenix last week.

2013年5月19日 星期日

何清漣:習近平以毛式鐵腕捍衛權貴資本主義Xi Jinping's Chinese dream:protect redCrony capitalism

習近平龍袍照被禁︰他控制了槍桿子和筆桿子(圖)《經濟學人》Xi Jinping and the Chinese dream的封面圖


何清漣:以毛式鐵腕捍衛權貴資本主義 - 習近平的執政藍圖(1)





HSBC's 14,000 new layoffs: When will Gulliver stop cutting jobs?

HSBC's 14,000 new layoffs: When will Gulliver stop cutting jobs? May 16, 2013
HSBC, Europe's largest bank by market capitalization, will lay off 14,000 employees around the world to save $2 billion to $3 billion by 2016, the company announced Wednesday.

The layoffs -- representing more than 5% of its 254,000 workers worldwide -- will come on top of some 42,000 job cuts in the past two years as the bank has sought to reorganize its operations to increase profits and efficiency in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis.
"HSBC in my view is terribly bloated," says Christine Houston, Managing Director of Executive Search Group International in Hong Kong. "If you compare them to Citi, UBS, a lot of the American banks who did their layoffs closer to 2008, HSBC is just an anomaly. The number of staff is just incredible."

Freeport LNG Export Terminal Approved; What Does it Mean?



Freeport LNG Export Terminal Approved; What Does it Mean?

by Michael Levi
May 17, 2013

The Department of Energy (DOE) announced this afternoon that it had conditionally approved the application of Freeport LNG Expansion LP and FLNG Liquefaction LLC to export up to 1.4 billion cubic feet of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to countries with which the United States does not have special free trade agreements. I’ve written at some length before about the potential consequences of LNG exports in general. But what might the exports from this particular facility mean?
First things first: This is just a DOE approval. Freeport will still need to get a permit from FERC. And, more important, it will still need a solid market for its LNG. There are a lot of credible people out there who believe that U.S. LNG exports will be very small – so small, perhaps, that Freeport will never ship any fuel despite having a permit and a set of contracts (PDF) lined up.
What would be the impact, though, if Freeport ultimately did sell LNG at its full approved capacity?

2013年5月18日 星期六

Phillips Exeter Academy

菲利普艾斯特中學Phillips Exeter Academy 全美第3名 

達文西密碼The Da Vinci Code作者丹.布朗Dan Brown畢業的學校




Phillips Exeter Academy

220年歷史的學校,圖書館藏書量共145,000冊,是世界中學之冠,圖書館同一 時間可容納全校一半學生,從95年至99年,送超過1050人進入美國首屈一指的 超級名牌大學,88人入哈佛,77人入耶魯,55人入賓大,45人去史丹福,34人 去普林斯頓,26人去麻省理工,21人去了芝大。入其他大學的未算數。
學校有一筆高達5億美元的發展基金,有教無類是學校的教育宗旨,學生有來自名門望族,也有通過助學金入讀的普通家庭的子女,校長的學士﹑碩士﹑ 博士三個學位都是哈佛畢業的。
學校名叫Phillips Exeter Academy,它是1781年由Phillips夫婦創辦的,位於New Hampshire 的Exeter,距離波士頓一小時的車程。

2013年5月17日 星期五

Bloomberg Billionaires Index 2013:Bill Gates Retakes World’s Richest Title

bloomberg billionaires 2013-05-16

Billionaire Bill Gates, chairman and founder of Microsoft Corp.

Bill Gates Retakes World’s Richest Title From Carlos Slim

Bill Gates is once again the world’s richest person. 

2013年5月16日 星期四

cyber warfare between Taiwan and Philippine

Taiwan authority failed to defend the attack 
from a third world country Philippine.

How and why ?



2013年5月13日 星期一

Associated Press says U.S. government seized journalists' phone records

That's why power should always check power ,
Montesquieu  said .
so, why not the press secretly seize phone records
of the officials of the government.

Associated Press probe adds to Obama's woes
With IRS, Benghazi and AP, is Obama under siege
A man looks down at his smartphone as he walks past the offices of the Associated Press in Manhattan, New York May 13, 2013. REUTERS/Adrees Latif


WASHINGTON | Mon May 13, 2013 6:48pm EDT
(Reuters) - The Associated Press on Monday said the U.S. government secretly seized telephone records of AP offices and reporters for a two-month period in 2012, describing the acts as a "massive and unprecedented intrusion" into news-gathering operations.

The differences between sino-japan and taiwan -japan fishing rights agreement around Senkakus


The crucial one is in taiwan -japan agreement , 
Senkakus islands soverenty controversy does 
not exit.

A good critical essay.








凸的很不雅? 國健局花10萬改局徽

新頭殼newtalk 2013.05.13 林朝億/台北報導
對於美國商業雜誌Business Pundit網站將衛生署國民健康局「3人行」局徽列為全球15大不雅LOGO,國民健康局今(13)日上網公開招標,希望以10萬元預算為組織改造後的「衛生福利部國民健康署」爭取新設計的識別標誌。
根據Business Pundit網站日前選出全球15家不雅企業機構標誌,台灣的國民健康局的「三人行」標誌,出現「男凸女凹」模樣,被列為全球第6大的不雅標誌,引發網友熱傳。
國民健康局對於先前局徽的設計理念指出,1、這是以國民健康英文字首「BHP」作為局徽設計的主要元素,構圖簡潔易明。2、運用3個字母構成,三人互相關 懷且展現出 「珍愛生命,傳播健康」的意象。3、徽誌以圓為外形,表示天圓地方,象徵該局推展業務無遠弗屆的精神。4、局徽以「黃綠」,代表國人健康和諧與歡喜的涵 義。以「綠色」表示全民健康成長和活力的象徵。三個人在一起有三人成眾的意思,也有增進健康(Promotion)、預防疾病(Prevention)及 安全防護(Protection)的意涵。

2013年5月12日 星期日

A Fukien grandma caught swat teamate福建阿婆造反 擄警遊街


Banks buy HK office towers to dodge ever rising rents

Housing Vacancy Rate in Hong Kong: a Panel Analysis  We have discussed about housing vacancy rate in Hong Kong, and both a Cross-Section Analysis: http://blog.yahoo.com/ecyyiuu/articles/165216, and a Time-Series Analysis: http://blog.yahoo.com/ecyyiuu/articles/165531, have been reported.  However, recently some practitioners contend that the very low vacancy rate of housing in Hong Kong (4.3%) implies NO HOUSING BUBBLE! I think a panel analysis may help refute such a contention.  A Chinese version has been published in today's Headline at http://news.hkheadline.com/dailynews/headline_news_detail_columnist.asp?id=192625§ion_name=wtt&kw=222




... 大家會發現方差由1%一直上升至4%,顯示平均空置率的數據愈來愈不可信。...戊類住宅空置率升幅已經升至雙位數,2010年時更破歷史紀錄升上 12.9%,是乙類的3倍;丁類住宅空置率比1997年上升足足1倍。若果『高空置率代表有泡沫』,以上數據可能說明炒家就在豪宅,而且泡沫正在膨脹。

The contention, I suppose, points out that as the vacancy rate is low, it means the demand for occupation is real rather than speculation.  However, this hypothesis (that low vacancy rate implies no bubble) is refuted by facts. The previous 97 bubble was burst when the vacancy rate was one of the lowest in the 1990s (3.8% only).

Even if the hypothesis is correct, then if you analyze the vacancy rates of the 5 classes of housing, then it may imply that a big housing bubble is now expanding in the luxury housing sector.  It is because the average vacancy rate does not truly reflect the vacancy situations of different classes of housing, the standard deviation of the vacancy rates among the 5 classes has been increasing from 1% to 4% in the past 25 years, implying that the average is more and more unreliable. 

In fact, the vacancy rates of Classes D and E have been swiftly increasing in the past 5 years.  When that of Classes A and B are steadily at about 2% and 4% respectively, the vacancy rates of Classes D and E have been escalating from about 4.5% to 10%, a 100% increase! Class E's vacancy rate in 2006 and 2010 had broken the records and reached 13.1% and 12.9%!! Thus, in other words, if the hypothesis is correct, then the panel data indeed implies a housing bubble in the luxury housing.

Yet, I pointed out (but was not published in the Chinese newspaper) that the vacancy rates estimated by RVD are not trustworthy.  As stated in its Technical Explanations, the vacancy rates are estimated by just a 3% sample, and are based on the responses of property management offices, among others.

Banks buy HK office towers to dodge ever rising rents
Record HK$18.8b in deals over 16 mths; occupancy costs 2nd highest globally
Published May 09, 2013
The Agricultural Bank of China building, center, purchased last year for HK$4.9 billion, stands in the central business district of Hong Kong on May 4, 2013.

Seeking to hedge against rising rents and a shortage of space, banks and insurers are on a record spree of buying office buildings in Hong Kong, where occupancy costs are the second-highest in the world.

Manulife Financial Corp, Canada's biggest insurer, and Hang Seng Bank Ltd this year bought office towers in the city, joining financial firms such as AIA Group Ltd and Agricultural Bank of China Ltd in spending more than HK$18.8 billion (S$3 billion) on commercial properties from January 2012 to last month, according to Cushman & Wakefield. That's the most for a 16-month period on record, the broker's data show.
Companies are looking to secure space in the city where new office supply will fall a third short of demand by the end of the decade, according to Rhodri James, executive director for office services at CBRE Group Inc. The office vacancy rate in Hong Kong fell to 3.3 percent in the first quarter, the lowest in Asia behind Beijing, according to the broker.

UPM-Kymmene's CEO Discusses Q1 2013 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

UPM-Kymmene's CEO Discusses Q1 2013 Results - Earnings Call Transcript

UPM-Kymmene Corporation (UPMKF.PK) Q1 2013 Earnings Call April 25, 2013 6:15 AM ET

Jussi Pesonen
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to UPM’s first quarter 2013 result webcast. My name is Jussi Pesonen and I’m the CEO of UPM-Kymmene. I’m here with our CFO, Tapio Korpeinen.

Tapio Korpeinen
Good afternoon, everyone.

Jussi Pesonen
Let’s then move to the highlights of the first quarter this year. Q1 was well in line with our expectations. Our results were underpinned by continued good performance in our growth businesses. Pulp improved its profits as we had a normal clean run in the quarter in terms of production, and of course, the sales were solid as well.

In Energy, our profits continued to be on a good level, even though the hydro volumes normalized, and Label continued with stable performance. While it’s positive that in plywood and timber we achieved some improvements with our own measures, even though there was little improvement in the Wood products markets, our prices are up on both areas.

In Paper, the market situation was just as challenging as we expected and explained. Publication paper prices decreased in Europe during the Q1 currencies and current development was against us, and paper demand continued to decrease in Europe as we were guiding earlier this year. As a result of the EBITDA, the Paper business decreased significantly and operating profit was just about breakeven.

Of course, it is a pleasure to also comment that our fixed costs were down from that of last year. We have been able to save our fixed cost over EUR30 million, understanding that that couldn’t offset the result decline, especially in paper.

And now, we are in the situation where the challenges are, as we all know, we are fast implementing the cost-saving plan that we announced 17th of January. We are targeting future annual fixed cost savings of EUR90 million, and that benefit will start to materialize in the second half of this year. But I will come back to that.

Next page I would skip and then move to the kind of economic outlook, page 4, so exactly this two-speed world where we are living in. In Europe, the economy continues to be contract and negative for most of the businesses. In our case, it is posting additional challenges for the European graphic paper business, in particular.

In the US, positive GDP growth continues, but still on a low level. Only in the emerging markets the economy growth continues to be relatively solid, as we can see here, and that is visible also in our business in China, especially.

Moving to the deliveries and delivery volumes. This is a good picture to elaborate the kind of situation where we have and this is backdated up until 2008, and so we see the big drop in 2009 and the recession. Of course, these macro realities are affecting the demand for our products as well.

As you can see from this page that the most visible, it is in our publication paper deliveries, which decreased by 6% to 7% from last year. The decrease in deliveries from Q4 was 17%, which is of course probably a normal seasonal pattern for us. It has been typically on the level of 15% on average.

In Pulp, we had the normal clean quarter in terms of production and this was visible in our pulp deliveries as well as profits in the pulp business. We were able to generate more than EUR140 million of EBITDA and a good EBIT margin as well.

You may recall that in the latter part of last year, we had some production problems on top of the normal maintenance and downsize [ph] we had. So this was certainly run for a change.

In Plywood, as they speak themselves, we have been successful to actually, in our commercial strategy focusing on key customers, and especially what is visible here is that we have been able to sell our products outside of Europe, which has been our activity using the UPM platform to sell products also outside of Europe. European economy doesn’t support that kind of increase in plywood, as to kind of seen here.

2013年5月11日 星期六

IRS knew tea party targeted in 2011


WASHINGTON (AP) — Senior Internal Revenue Service officials knew agents were targeting tea party groups as early as 2011, according to a draft of an inspector general's report obtained by The Associated Press that seemingly contradicts public statements by the IRS commissioner.
The IRS apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status. The agency blamed low-level employees, saying no high-level officials were aware.
But on June 29, 2011, Lois G. Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, learned at a meeting that groups were being targeted, according to the watchdog's report. At the meeting, she was told that groups with "Tea Party," ''Patriot" or "9/12 Project" in their names were being flagged for additional and often burdensome scrutiny, the report says.
The 9-12 Project is a group started by conservative TV personality Glenn Beck.
Lerner instructed agents to change the criteria for flagging groups "immediately," the report says.


其實 龍應台就是白痴一枚
好當官 好為人師
(以不得罪中共為前提 這是她之主子馬英九的作風)

(奇了 央視開放來台與文化部何干?)








民眾 的民主素質吹捧一番,然後提出所謂『對等』原則,似乎有理





看法嗎?2009年,我與一批中國知識分子 發起『抵制央視,拒絕洗

















2013年5月10日 星期五

8 New York Men Charged In $42 Million International Cyber Bank Heist

like the movie now you see me


By Bary Alyssa Johnson | First Posted: May 10, 2013 08:48 AM EDT

The United States government on Thursday charged eight men from New York for their participation in an international conspiracy involving a high-tech theft ring that launched cyber attacks on financial institutions around the world, resulting in losses estimated at $45 million.
Authorities today took into custody seven of the eight-man crew associated with the e-bank heist. The men are facing charges of alleged conspiracy to commit access device fraud, money laundering conspiracy and money laundering as part of a scheme dubbed the "unlimited operation." For their part in the plot, the men are accused of withdrawing nearly $3 million from ATM machines across New York City, according to an indictment filed by United States Attorney Loretta Lynch.

2013年5月5日 星期日





Forecast Error :台灣什麼時候施行過撙節措施了? You Don't Spend Your Way to Prosperity 



2013年5月2日 星期四

Toddler Born Without a Windpipe Gets Artificial Trachea

In a groundbreaking feat of science and surgery, a Korean toddler born without a windpipe received an artificial trachea made from her own stem cells.
Hannah Warren, 2½, was born with tracheal agenesis, a rare and usually fatal birth defect. She had spent her entire life in a neonatal intensive care unit in a hospital in Seoul, South Korea, unable to breathe, swallow, eat or drink on her own. But after a nine-hour marathon operation to implant a windpipe made of nanofiber mesh coated with her own bone marrow cells, the girl in pigtails finally had her first lollipop.
"All we have ever wanted since Hannah was born was to be able to bring her home and be a regular family," Hannah's father, Darryl Warren, said in a statement from the Children's Hospital of Illinois, where an international team of doctors took on Hannah's unusual case.
Hannah is the first child to receive a tissue-engineered trachea devoid of any donor cells, according to the Peoria, Ill.-based hospital. Lead surgeon Dr. Paolo Macchiarini, professor of regenerative surgery at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, said the transplant crosses frontiers by eliminating the need for a human donor and a lifetime of immunosuppressant drugs.

2013年5月1日 星期三

China’s economy:Perverse advantage


A new book lays out the scale of China’s industrial subsidies

 CHINA is the workshop to the world. It is the global economy’s most formidable exporter and its largest manufacturer. The explanations for its success range from a seemingly endless supply of cheap labour to an artificially undervalued currency. A provocative new book* by Usha and George Haley, of West Virginia University and the University of New Haven respectively, points to another reason for China’s industrial dominance: subsidies.



