Posted By John Reed Monday, July 29, 2013 - 2:04 PM
The United States Air Force will dramatically expand its
military presence across the Pacific this year, sending jets to Thailand,
India, Singapore, and Australia, according to the service's top general in the
For a major chunk of America's military community, the
so-called "pivot to Asia" might seem like nothing more than an empty
catchphrase, especially with the Middle East once again in flames. But
the Air Force at least, the shift is very real. And the idea behind its
pivot is simple: ring China with U.S. and allied forces, just like the
West did
to the Soviet Union, back in the Cold War.
U.S. military officials constantly say they aren't trying to
contain China; they're working with the Chinese and other Pacific nations to "maintain
stability" in the region. Still, a ring of bases looks an awful lot like
something we've seen before.
In Australia, for example, the Air Force will dispatch "fighters,
tankers, and at some point in the future, maybe bombers on a rotational basis,"
said Gen. Herbert "Hawk" Carlisle, chief of U.S. Air Force operations in
the Pacific, during a breakfast with reporters in Washington on July 29. The jets will likely start their
Australian presence sometime in the next year at the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
base at Darwin (already crowded with Marines), before moving to nearby RAAF
Base Tindal, according to the four-star general.
This is just the start of the Air Force's plan to expand its
presence in Asia, according to Carlisle. In addition to the Australian
deployments, the Air Force will be sending jets to Changi East air base in Singapore,
Korat air base in Thailand, a site in India, and possibly bases at Kubi Point
and Puerto Princesa in the Philippines and airfields in Indonesia and Malaysia.
All of this helps the United States develop a network of bases
in the region and build ties to allies that operate American equipment and know
how to work with the U.S. military.
"One of the main tenets of our strategy is to expand
engagement and interoperability and integration … with our friends' and
partners' militaries," said Carlisle.
"The only defense budgets in the world that are climbing are
in Asia," said the general. This means the United States is working to grow its network
of American-armed Pacific allies that can, in effect, bolster the U.S. presence there.
"We exercise together; we train together; we build their
capability; and we also get familiar with them and the environment," said Carlisle,
who promised such collaboration "will pay tremendous dividends."
Carlisle insists that the service isn't planning on building
large amounts of infrastructure across Southeast Asia to support permanent U.S.
garrisons. Instead, it will have a steady stream of U.S. and northern Pacific-based
units rotating into existing airfields in the region.
"We're not gonna build any more bases in the Pacific" to
support the U.S. Air Force's increased presence there, said Carlisle.
The Air Force is taking a page from its Cold War playbook
designed to keep the Soviets from invading Europe and will constantly deploy
units based in the United States and the northern Pacific to a string of airfields in Southeast
"Back in the late great days of the Cold War, we had a thing
called Checkered Flag: We rotated almost every CONUS [Continental United
States] unit to Europe," said Carlisle, "Every two years, every unit would go
and work out of a collateral operating base in Europe. We're turning to that in
the Pacific."
Right now, the U.S. Air Force has nine main major bases scattered
throughout the Pacific, from Alaska and Hawaii to Guam, Japan, and Korea. While
these sites will see some rotational aircraft pass through, they're already
pretty crowded with aircraft that are permanently based in those locations.
This means the air service will start regularly sending aircraft to countries
it hasn't had a presence in since the Cold War.
"In a lot of ways we'll move increasingly south and east
with our rotational presence," said Carlisle. "The most capable platforms will
be rotated into the Pacific."
This means the Air Force will sent large numbers of F-22
Raptors, F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, and B-2 stealth bombers to the region,
according to Carlisle (who pointed out that the first permanent overseas base
for the F-35 will be in the Pacific).
Remember, the Navy and Marines have already started their
pivot to Asia, with the Navy basing littoral combat ships in Singapore and the
Marines sending troops on their aforementioned deployments to Australia. Meanwhile,
the Marine Corps is also refurbishing old World War II airfields on Pacific
Islands. These bare-bones strips, like the
one on Tinian, would be used by American forces in case their main bases
are targeted by Chinese ballistic missiles.
U.S. officials keep saying
that these deployments to the Pacific will be just for a short while. But these
rotating troops will still need support staff waiting for them at all of these
sites -- which means America's expansion in the Pacific be anything but
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