inventor behind a bionic glove for amputees. A kid who has a real idea
to cure cancer. Not everyone should skip college, but for these
teenagers, it could be to everyone's benefit if they jump right into
working on their passions.
The higher education sector is struggling, but it's not dead yet. For the past few years,The Thiel Foundation--created
by Paypal founder and outspoken libertarian Peter Thiel--has been
trying to prove that it might be a good idea to dismantle it altogether.
The Thiel Fellows program, now in its fourth year, offers a select
group of entrepreneurial kids something that's hard to resist: $100,000
and mentorship to start a company. The only catch is that they have to
ditch college.
This time around, the 550 applicants were stronger than ever, according to Mike Gibson, vice president of grants at the Thiel Foundation. "[The program] is becoming a norm, something people recognize," he says.
There were some overarching trends among applicants, including an interest in Bitcoin, machine learning, and hardware. In years past,
gender balance has been a problem--last year there were four women in a
class of 22 fellows. This year, there are five out of 20 fellows.
Gibson says the foundation is actively trying to reach out to women
through hackathons, events, and partnerships.
A study released earlier this year
notes that the earnings gap between high school and college graduates
is continuing to grow. But the Thiel Fellows represent a special
breed--they're extremely smart, motivated, and would likely succeed in
life regardless of their higher education choices.
Past fellows have so far created over 182 jobs and generated more
than $87 million in economic activity (venture funding, revenue, grant
money, etc.), the foundation says. Five participants went back to school
in the first class of fellows; none have since then.
Among the most successful past fellows are Dan Friedman, the cofounder of a company called Thinkful
that helps mid-career professionals who want to transition into more
technical careers; venture capitalist Laura Deming, who is on a quest to
fund anti-aging endeavors; and Paul Gu, the co-founder of a financial
company called Upstart.
"A lot of these kids are richer than I am now," says Gibson.
All of the Thiel Fellows are impressive. This year's class includes
someone working on an open-source transparency toolkit to help
investigative journalists uncover corruption and abuse; a fellow on a
quest to change the hospital-patient relationship through technology;
someone with the incredibly modest goal of curing cancer; and a
researcher who wants to speed up the development cycle for satellites.
None of these people are over the age of 20.
Below, the full list of fellows, from The Thiel Foundation announcement: Shantanu Bala (19, Phoenix, AZ) is developing a
system for using a real-time video and audio feed to convey visual
facial expressions and auditory cues using a series of vibrations across
a user's skin. His research aims to expand the potential scope of
information that can be extracted and conveyed using digital sensors and
haptic actuators. Vitalik Buterin (20, Toronto, Canada) (not pictured)
has been captivated by Bitcoin and the crypto-currency space for some
time. He is now working full-time on developing Ethereum, a peer-to-peer
network that any application can use and access and a mobile and
desktop client to allow people to build advanced decentralized
applications and use them in a platform that is as convenient as a web
browser. Benjamin Englard (18, Miami, FL) is a computer
scientist interested in natural language processing, computer vision,
distributed computing, and the synthesis of computer science with other
fields. He is working to combine ideas from computer science and
psychology with the goal of personalizing technology. Adithya Ganesh (17, Plano, TX) is a computer science
student on leave from Stanford. He co-invented IntentSense, an
intelligent bionic glove for partial hand amputees. He is interested in
using machine learning and predictive analytics to personalize bionics
and health care in general. Grace Gee (19, Port Lavaca, TX) co-founded her
start-up CortexML with a fellow Harvard classmate to make data analysis
more intuitive and simple. She was pursuing a joint bachelors and
masters in computer science at Harvard before becoming a Thiel Fellow. Ishaan Gulrajani (19, Philadelphia, PA) wants to
change the way people make software. After leaving MIT, he founded a
startup that won an Apple Design Award and received support from Y
Combinator. Lucy Guo (19, Pleasanton, CA) is a designer and
software engineer who has been creating profitable websites since 6th
grade. After building educational software for developing countries, she
decided that she wanted to make studying fun for everybody. During her
fellowship, Lucy will be working on gamifying education by creating a
platform that will allow students to study their schoolwork through
multiplayer games. Thomas Hunt (17, Saratoga, CA) wants to cure cancer.
He spent three years at the SENS Research Foundation studying
Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT), a mechanism that is
suggested to be indirectly responsible for all cancers. He is using
automated high-throughput drug screening to find drugs that can reduce
ALT activity. Rebecca Jolitz (19, Los Gatos, CA) hopes to
revolutionize the satellite development cycle. She is a
researcher-entrepreneur with a family background in aerospace and holds
degrees in physics and mathematics from UC Berkeley. Alex Koren (19, Bergen County, NJ) is working on the
new wave of crowd-sourced supercomputing and mobile monetization. He's
the co-founder of the start-up Hyv, which has built a platform for
globally distributed computing. He envisions a world where users can not
only use their devices for entertainment and communication, but also
for social progress. Conrad Kramer (17, Philadelphia, PA) taught himself
to program at age 13, and hasn’t stopped since. He is currently working
with 2014 Thiel Fellow Ari Weinstein to develop new types of
productivity software for mobile devices, including DeskConnect, which
allows users to seamlessly push websites, documents, pictures, and
everything else to any device at any time. Eliana Lorch (17, San Francisco, CA) struggles to
carry out a conversation for more than five minutes before sidetracking
into neural nets or math, either to explain to you what she’s been
learning or to press you for your insights. She is passionate about
exploring the outstanding results that deep learning has recently led to
in computer vision and voice recognition. Fouad Matin (18, McLean, VA) wants to drastically
accelerate how we learn. He is building software to make learning
technical skills more accessible and efficient. M. C. McGrath (20, Boston, MA) is a former Boston
University student working on Transparency Toolkit, which is open-source
software that helps investigative journalists rapidly analyze documents
without coding to uncover corruption, civil liberties violations, and
human rights abuses. Adam Munich (20, Buffalo, NY) is an inventor combining his interests in engineering and natural sciences to develop new technologies to mobilize radiography. Catherine Ray (17, Alexandria, VA) has a passion for
exploring the beauty of mathematics and applying its power to unsolved
problems in various fields. She is currently focused on improving
closed-loop detector adaptation in neuroprosthetics, computationally and
mathematically modeling quasicrystaline patterns, and automating the
behavioral classifications of lab-animal vocalizations. Jarred Sumner (18, Lafayette, CA) wants to build
tools that lower the barriers to entry for starting new companies.
Previously, he built Selfstarter, an open-source DIY crowdfunding site
that startups have used to raise $10,000,000. Martin Stoyanov (17, Novi Pazar, Bulgaria) is
developing software aimed to fundamentally change the way people consume
email on the go by enhancing the UI of email inboxes to maximize time
and efficiency. Kaushik Tiwari (19 New Delhi, India) is working to
improve health care. As a Thiel Fellow, Kaushik hopes to create a
technology interface that changes the hospital-patient relationship and
solves the problems of transparency and efficiency. Ari Weinstein (19, Philadelphia, PA) is a software
jail-breaker with a passion for making great software. He is working
with fellow 2014 Thiel Fellow Conrad Kramer on new types of productivity
software, including DeskConnect, which allows users to seamlessly push
websites, documents, pictures, and everything else to any device at any