Maybe Germany should prosecute and sentence these CIA
illegal agents activities in Berlin, just like Italy did a few years ago.
Germany is expelling the CIA chief in Berlin in retaliation for the
latest espionage scandals 'in addition to existing issues'. Two
suspected US agents have been exposed in the past week, prompting
criticism from German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The expulsion comes shortly after the alleged US agents were
unmasked, suspected of acting as double agents within the state
security apparatus, and passing secrets to US intelligence
The move was “a reaction to persistent failure to work
together in efforts towards clarification,” according to the
chief of the Parliamentary Control Panel.
The two new cases, which came in quick succession of one another,
increase the strain on already tense relations after the
revelations made about the extent of global NSA espionage in
June, 2013.
Merkel criticized the spy’s presence in Germany, stating that
when common sense is switched on, “spying is ultimately a
waste of force,” reported Der Spiegle.
She added that in 21st century intelligence work, there should be
a strong focus on the essentials rather than that which is just
technically possible – to the point that “one can’t see the
wood because of all the trees,” Merkel said.
“The order arose against the backdrop of the ongoing
investigation by the General Prosecutor's Office, in addition to
existing issues in recent months surrounding the actions of US
intelligence agencies in Germany,” said the document.
The US stated on Thursday that it was imperative that the two
nations continued to cooperate on intelligence and security
"We have seen these reports and have no comment on a purported
intelligence matter. However, our security and intelligence
relationship with Germany is a very important one and it keeps
Germans and Americans safe," White House spokeswoman Caitlin
Hayden told Reuters.
"It is essential that cooperation continue in all areas and
we will continue to be in touch with the German government in
appropriate channels," she added.
At the same time, the US government’s representatives refused to
comment on the news from Germany.
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said he would not
comment on Germany's decision because “any sort of comment on
any reported intelligence acts would put at risk US assets, US
personnel and the United States national security.”
"I don't want you to come away from this exchange thinking we
take this matter lightly," he said, adding that the US and
Germany continue to have a strong partnership.
The State Department spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, also declined to
comment on the development.
“Our relationship with Germany is extremely important,”
she said. “We’ll continue our dialogue through senior
officials in the days and weeks ahead.”
A 31-year-old intelligence officer was arrested last week, and further reports on Wednesday indicated that a German soldier was also
being investigated.
According to German newspaper Die Welt, the soldier was said to
have made “intensive contacts” with alleged US
intelligence officials, and had been under surveillance by
Military Intelligence (MAD) for some time.
The US has not yet denied allegations that the German
intelligence official was passing classified information to the
In a report published on Monday, two unidentified government
officials told Reuters of the CIA’s involvement in the
operation, which led to the recruitment of the 31-year-old
suspected spy, who is now in the custody of German officials.
The man was alleged to have passed the Americans 218 secret
documents in exchange for € 25,000 ($34,100), and having been a
double agent for them for two years through meetings with his
contact in Austria and passing on secret documents on a USB
Last October, Merkel was enraged to learn she was allegedly on
the NSA’s tapping list since 2002. The Chancellor called the
alleged spying, which became known thanks to Edward Snowden’s
leaks, "unacceptable."
A German parliamentary committee has since been holding hearings
on the NSA’s spying activities in Germany.
“It’s very embarrassing for the political leaders in Germany
to have Americans spying on the Chancellor, or Americans spying
on the Defense Ministry, or Americans spying on the German
Intelligence service, or on the parliamentary investigations –
it’s a big embarrassment for the German political elite,”
German investigative journalist John Goetz told RT.
"Germany is under a lot of pressure...not to do something.
From German standards, they did quite a lot..." he said.
“The German and American security systems are so interwoven
you can’t even separate them – they’re basically the same
infrastructure, the same architecture of security. So, if Germany
was to say they don’t want to, it’s very hard for them not to
because there are so many institutions that are interwoven.”
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