Baltimore mom who smacked son during riots: "I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray"
The Baltimore mother caught on video repeatedly smacking her son after catching him participating in rioting in Baltimore told CBS News that she was only concerned about protecting him.
"He gave me eye contact. And at that point, you know, not even thinking about cameras or anything like that. That's my only son and at the end of the day I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray," Toya Graham said, referencing the 25-year-old man who died after mysteriously sustaining severe spinal injuries in police custody earlier in the month. His death has sparked protests throughout the city, with tensions boiling over Monday.Graham told CBS News she launched into action after spotting her 16-year-old son Michael wearing a hoodie and mask amid the protesters.
"At that point, I just lost it," said Graham. "I was shocked, I was angry, because you never want to see your child out there doing that."
Graham, a single mom with six children, denounced the vandalism and violence against police officers. She said rioting in Baltimore is no way to go about getting justice for Freddie Gray and that she doesn't want that life for her son.
Toya Graham lays into her son Michael after seeing him with the protesters.
It's that reputation that made her son wince the second he saw her.
"He knew he was in trouble," said Graham. "He said when 'I seen you,' he said, 'ma, my instinct was to run.'"
Graham says after she got her son home they both watched news coverage of the demonstrations and riots on television. As images of her reaction started to go viral, Graham says comments started appearing on her son's Facebook page, many in support of her.
"Friends and everybody making comments and saying you know, you shouldn't be mad at your mother, you should give her a hug," said Graham.
Graham hopes the incident will serve as a teachable moment for her son.
"And by him seeing everything what's going on I just hope, I'm not sure, but I hope that he understands the seriousness of what was going on last night."
The video has been widely circulated as people look for answers to the violence, and it even drew the attention of Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts.
"I wish I had more parents who took charge of their kids tonight," he said, according to CBS Baltimore.
Graham told CBS News she thinks the situation wouldn't have been as bad if there were more mothers out there monitoring their sons. But she acknowledged there are some circumstances that can prevent moms from from doing that.
"We don't know where those mothers are at, a lot of mothers have to provide for their children," said Graham. "You can talk blue in your face to your children, but at the end of the day they gonna make their own decisions. As parents we just have to follow through to make sure that's where they supposed to be at."
Commissioner Batts told reporters late Monday night that a bulk of the rioters who pelted officers with rocks and bricks, inciting a massive display of looting and vandalism across parts of West Baltimore were area high schoolers.
"These are Baltimore youthful residents, a number of them came right out of the local high schools there on the other side of Mondawmin and started engaging in this," said Batts. "I think these were youth coming out of the high school and they thought it was cute to throw cinder blocks at the police department and address it that way."
At least 20 police officers were injured in the violence and one person was critically hurt in a fire, according to authorities. Police made 235 arrests, including 34 juveniles.
The streets were calmer Tuesday as the National Guard deployed. A 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew remained in effect.
美國最強老媽扁兒暴紅 不願兒子淪為葛雷第二ltn自由時報
2015-04-29 23:09
〔編譯張沛元/綜合報導〕當眾痛扁參與美國巴爾的摩日前街頭暴動的青少年兒子而暴紅的美國英雄老媽28日曝光,是有6個小孩的單親媽媽朵雅˙葛蘭(Toya Graham)
自稱為人實際的朵雅說,她只是不希望16歲的兒子麥可最後變得 跟引發暴動的葛雷一樣,死在警察手中。朵雅接受美國哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)訪問表示,當天之所以會當眾痛扁兒子,實在是氣昏了;她既震驚又火大,試問 誰會想看見自己的小孩在外頭幹那種事;她一心只想為兒子好,「他是我唯一的兒子,我不希望他最後變成葛雷。」