習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 'Hoverbike' could join the fleet in 3 to 5 years

2015年6月26日 星期五

'Hoverbike' could join the fleet in 3 to 5 years

'Hoverbike' could join the fleet in 3 to 5 years

The military is working to develop a Star Wars-style "hoverbike" that uses a motorcycle engine and small rotors to soar up to 9,000 feet high.
A British startup firm and a U.S. defense contractor are working with the Army Research Laboratory in Maryland to test a prototype aircraft that could transform the way U.S. troops operate in difficult terrain. The aircraft could be available for procurement within three to five years, a company official said.
The aircraft is designed to carry a single pilot and fly at a range and altitude similar to a traditional small helicopter. But it's small size and potential maneuverability mean it could operate in far tighter spaces than a larger rotor-wing aircraft.

"The Army is looking at using it … close to the ground. So we are looking at technology to make sure it's safe in that kind of environment," said Mark Butkiewicz, manager of applied technology at Survice Engineering, a Maryland-based company working on the project.
"In some cases, the lower altitude is more challenging because you have to make sure you can maneuver around objects and debris and buildings," Butkiewicz said in an interview with Defense News, which is owned by the same company as Military Times.
A military variant of the aircraft could carry up to 400 to 800 pounds of cargo, said Grant Stapleton, a sales director for the British firm, Malloy Aeronautics.
The aircraft is equipped with sensors that allow it to fly manned or unmanned. The rotors spin inside a circular space enclosed by metal rims and strong wire mesh, a key safety measure that prevents rotors from striking objects when operating in smaller spaces.
One prototype on display at the Paris Air Show in June used a BMW motorcycle engine. The manual controls are configured similar to a motor bike: A throttle is on the right handle bar, a helicopter-pilot's pitch control is on the left hand grip; turning the handlebars allows a pilot to roll the aircraft and a brake-like hand lever would control the yaw, or movement along the vertical axis, Stapleton told Defense News.
The two companies are working with the Army to move into "Phase Two" development of tests and evaluation and could be ready for procurement by the military services within three to five years, Butkiewicz said.
The hoverbike's prototypes and their demonstration videos online bear a strong resemblance to the small speeder-bike aircraft featured in Star Wars movies.
A commercial version of the Malloy hoverbike might be available to the public at a price similar to "a top of the range" sport utility vehicle or an "executive car," Stapleton said.
The aircraft is designed to have a range and capability similar to a traditional helicopter. It could be uniquely effective in humanitarian operations when its unmanned capability could be tapped for logistical support.
"This is an extraordinary platform for being able to ship small, light inexpensive helicopters into a disaster zone and being able to deploy a lot of doctors into a lot of remote areas. You could put a doctor on the ground and the drone could run back and forth with supplies like food, water," Stapleton said.

英美聯手研發 軍用懸浮單車

2015-06-25 〔編譯李信漢/綜合報導〕電影「星際大戰」中,天行者路克騎乘的懸浮車,可能將出現在真實生活。美軍宣布,他們正在研發一種「星際大戰」式的「懸浮單車」(hoverbike),期待能在現有的直升機外,找到另一種便宜、可靠的移動載具。
  • 美軍正在研發的「懸浮單車」類似電影「星際大戰」中路克天行者騎的競速越野車,可望未來擔綱載運物資、偵蒐情報等多重任務。(取自網路) 美軍正在研發的「懸浮單車」類似電影「星際大戰」中路克天行者騎的競速越野車,可望未來擔綱載運物資、偵蒐情報等多重任務。(取自網路)
這項計畫是由美國陸軍與英國的梅洛航空學公司(Malloy Aeronautics)及美國的蘇維斯工程公司(SURVICE Engineering)共同研發。「華盛頓郵報」報導,原型機並沒有配備攻擊火砲,但美國國防部規劃,這輛碳纖維構造的「懸浮單車」將扮演「多功能的戰 略偵察角色」,用作支援載運物資或偵蒐情資等多種任務。此外,「懸浮單車」未來還可用於急難救助行動。
「懸浮單車」前後方各配備有兩片旋 翼,提供單車移動的推拉力,操作者則坐在中間操控。「懸浮單車」飛行高度可越過樹木,但速度並不快,而它比較像是輕巧版的直升機。梅洛公司目前已製造出一 款實際體積3分之1大的原型機,由駕駛員遙控飛行。另外,梅洛還將設計一款全比例原型機,並朝無人駕駛的目標前進。
梅洛公司一位發言人說, 「懸浮單車」相較於傳統的直升機具有多重優勢。首先是安全性,由於這款「懸浮單車」的4個旋翼均是有外罩,確保物體不會在碰觸到旋翼時被切碎。其次是它的 成本低廉,因此購買及部署運作都相對便宜。此外,「懸浮單車」的部件相當少,維修起來也較方便,這些優勢均符合美國軍方的期待。


