習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 7月 2013

2013年7月31日 星期三

郝明義辭國策顧問 建議馬別再「謝謝指教」

libertytimes 抗議馬「造謠說」 郝明義辭國策顧問




2013年7月30日 星期二





那是要把台灣打造成   跟北韓獨裁政權洗腦下產生出的




所說的 要多多報導清純新聞




U.S. Deploying Jets Around Asia to Keep China Surrounded

Posted By John Reed Monday, July 29, 2013 - 2:04 PM



The United States Air Force will dramatically expand its military presence across the Pacific this year, sending jets to Thailand, India, Singapore, and Australia, according to the service's top general in the region.
For a major chunk of America's military community, the so-called "pivot to Asia" might seem like nothing more than an empty catchphrase, especially with the Middle East once again in flames. But for the Air Force at least, the shift is very real. And the idea behind its pivot is simple: ring China with U.S. and allied forces, just like the West did to the Soviet Union, back in the Cold War.
U.S. military officials constantly say they aren't trying to contain China; they're working with the Chinese and other Pacific nations to "maintain stability" in the region. Still, a ring of bases looks an awful lot like something we've seen before.

2013年7月29日 星期一

Five Eyes

Is 'The Five Eyes Alliance' Conspiring to Spy on You?

The dire threat of surveillance agencies working together to keep an eye on one another's citizens

theatlantic http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/politics/five%20eyes%20alliance.png



Did you know that the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand participate together in an electronic eavesdropping cooperative called "The Five Eyes Alliance"? Or that Britain "has secretly gained access to the network of cables which carry the world's phone calls and internet traffic and has started to process vast streams of sensitive personal information which it is sharing with its American partner, the National Security Agency"? That's big news, right!

2013年7月27日 星期六

68-year-old man born blind sees for the first time after operation

Still of Pierre-Paul Thomas - © The Montreal Gazette, http://aka.ms/blindeyesfixed

When Pierre-Paul Thomas was born blind 68 years ago, there was nothing medical science could do for him. Two years ago, the Montreal man fell down a flight of stairs, fracturing facial bones, including those around his eye sockets. During the recuperation process at Montreal General Hospital, plastic surgeon Lucie Lessard asked a casual question: "Do you want us to fix your eyes, too?" Two simple cataract removal operations later, Thomas could see. Though he's still adjusting to changing his fingertip sense memory to visuals, Thomas is thrilled to be in an amazing new world. "It's like I’m a child all over again," he said.

Rep. Amash’s Amendment To Defund The NSA’s Domestic Phone Metadata Program Fails 205-217


It's very close , which means NSA can still do broad surveillance of U.S. citizens and the retention of information relating to their actions.

Today Rep. Amash’s amendment to the 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill failed in the House on a vote of 205 in favor to 217 opposed. When it became known that the amendment would in fact come up for a vote, the powers of the status quo came together to decry its tenets as ham-fisted and irresponsible.
The White House called the amendment a “blunt approach” that is not “the product of an informed, open, or deliberative process.” Naturally, the irony of that specific complaint resonates: The intelligence programs in question were not enacted with any of those forms of debate. To ask that their rescinding be held to a higher standard then their enaction is hubris of a real sort.

2013年7月25日 星期四

Hitting China’s Wall


World War Z in Taiwan : Pets banned from forest parks in rabies alert


ent.tw.msn 殭屍病毒來自台灣?
appledaily.com.tw 小布折騰全球查活屍病毒 扯台灣陷《末日之戰》
3kirikou.org 農委會放任病毒突變

Taiwan has been on high alert against rabies since a farmer in Taitung County was bitten Monday by a rabies-infected Formosan ferret-badger.

In a move to prevent the spread of the disease, the Council of Agriculture (COA) announced Wednesday that domestic pets will be barred from entering 22 recreational forests in Taiwan.

Pets that have been vaccinated against rabies should also be kept away from such areas to avoid contact with wild animals, the COA said.

2013年7月24日 星期三

Study: Google accounts for 25 percent of all Internet traffic


The diversified range of new products being built and provided by Google now make the company accountable for nearly 25 percent of all Internet traffic, up from a mere 6 percent just three years ago, according to a new study.
Based on measurements of end device and audience share, that makes the Internet company’s reach larger than Facebook, Netflix and Twitter combined, according to Deepfield, a big data and Internet infrastructure research firm.
Deepfield claims that 60 percent of all Internet end devices or users exchange traffic with Google servers during the course of an average day.
Some 60 percent of all Internet end devices exchange traffic with Google servers during the course of an average day, said Deepfield, which conducted the ongoing study. The analysis includes computers and mobile devices as well as hundreds of varieties of game consoles, home media appliances and other embedded devices like Apple TV, Roku, Xbox 360 and mobile apps.
The data focus primarily on North America and cover roughly one-fifth of the U.S. consumer Internet, making it “the largest ongoing study of its kind,” the group said in a blog post.

Behind Google’s rise

Deepfield co-founder Craig Labovitz attributed the meteoric rise in traffic patterns to server growth at Google as well as the success of a range of products such as YouTube (which the company bought for $1.65 billion in 2006), Android-based mobile devices and various Google cloud services like Google Drive.

2013年7月18日 星期四

Here's how Elon Musk's Hyperloop might actually work

How do you get from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes?

住洛杉磯的馬斯克Elon Musk,不滿加州高鐵興建費用高達700億美元約2兆元台幣,全球最貴,但速度卻是全球最慢,於是提出僅10之1興建費用的「超高速迴路」(Hyperloop)高鐵系統。

Elon Musk has made his name on big ideas, whether it's space tourism or the electric car — but his latest project, mysteriously dubbed the Hyperloop, may be more revolutionary than anything he's done. It started with a simple promise: the ability to travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco in half an hour. As time went on, Musk added more. It would be low-friction, and use such minimal power that the entire thing could be run on electricity from solar panels installed above the tracks. It would use small pods, leaving "whenever you arrive" instead of cleaving to a schedule like an airliner. He's promised to unveil his alpha design for the project in just under a month's time, but already, observers are speculating on exactly how this next-generation transportation scheme would work.
The closest we've got is Japan's bullet train
The details Musk has already hinted at tell us a great deal about the project, and outline a number of the challenges he's likely to face. Based on simple math, we know it will have to travel an average of more than 600 mph. And it will have to do so almost frictionlessly, allowing for the low-power travel Musk envisions. It's a big promise, and one that would have major consequences for the transportation industry and for society at large. For the technically minded, it raises the obvious question: how in the world is this thing going to work?
So far, the closest we’ve got is Japan's superconducting maglev train — best known as the "bullet train." Its official top speed is 361mph, although it usually travels closer to 300 mph. Jim Powell, co-inventor of the bullet train and current director of Maglev 2000, thinks that’s as fast as open-air rail lines will ever go. "Air drag becomes too much of a problem after 300 mph, just from a power point of view," Powell says. "And then that air drag starts to generate noise. You wouldn’t want an airplane flying past your house at 600 mph."

The Hyperloop would solve that by enclosing the craft in a tube, creating a hermetically sealed environment that a car could move through with as little friction as possible. But what’s inside the tube is still unclear.

2013年7月17日 星期三

China names GSK bribery suspects

GSK's office in Beijing. Four managers have been named as suspects in a bribery case
GSK's office in Beijing. Four managers have been named as suspects in a bribery case. Photograph: Alexander F Yuan/AP

Associated Press in Beijing
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 16 July 2013 03.42 BST 

Four managers at Chinese arm of drug company accused of web of payments to doctors, medical industry and officials

Chinese state media have named four managers of drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline accused by police of paying millions in bribes to doctors and others.
The police ministry had earlier announced that GSK employees were under investigation for paying bribes that were passed through travel agencies. It said the bribes were aimed at increasing sales.
Four employees being questioned include a vice-president and human resources director of Glaxo's Chinese unit, the Xinhua News Agency said on Monday, citing police as the source of the information.
They were named as Liang Hong, vice-president and operations manager; Zhang Guowei, vice-president and human resources head; Zhao Hongyan, legal affairs director; and Huang Hong, business development manager.

Taiwanes soldier was murdered by Taiwanese government.

By Dragonhu1858  |  Posted July 15, 2013  |  Taipei, Taiwan
The Taiwanese army yesterday apologized for the death of a soldier and promised to punish personnel responsible for the incident.

Hung Chung-chiu (洪仲丘), a soldier performing compulsory service in the army’s sixth regiment, died three days before he was due to complete his term of service.

The army said Hung was scheduled to leave the military on Saturday.

On June 23 he was found carrying a cellphone with a camera and an MP3 player after returning from vacation, and was placed in confinement on June 28.

2013年7月16日 星期二

Of Tyranny by montesquieu

taipeitimes : Vice commander detained over Hung 
libertytimes : 洪仲丘冤死 副旅長何江忠收押 

Of Tyranny.

There are two sorts of tyranny:

 one real, which arises from oppression;

the other is seated in opinion, and is sure to be felt whenever those who govern establish things shocking to the existing ideas of a nation.

The Spirit of the Laws 
Book XIX., ch 3. Of Tyranny

2013年7月13日 星期六

Peter Nolan introduces Is China Buying the World?

Nolan, a British economist, answers the question in his title with a resounding no. It is true that in recent years China’s state-owned enterprises have been engaged in what is often portrayed as an orgy of acquisitions around the world, particularly in the oil and mineral industries. But the author regards China’s firms merely as latecomers to the extensive global consolidation of business enterprises over the past two decades. He helpfully documents increased global concentration in numerous industries, from brewing beer to building trucks. The national identity of many global firms has become blurred: headquarters are typically still in one place, but assets, employment, production, and sales are widely dispersed, increasingly to emerging markets. It is against this background that China’s foreign investment must be assessed. While that investment has grown rapidly in recent years and many major acquisitions have attracted public attention, in 2009 it amounted to only 1.4 percent of the total direct foreign investments made by the world’s rich countries, and two-thirds of it was directed to Hong Kong and Macao. Meanwhile, China remains largely dependent on foreign technology, and only one indigenous Chinese firm, Huawei, has so far made a global impact.


2013年7月10日 星期三

Judicial corruption serious in Taiwan


Judicial corruption serious in Taiwan: Transparency International
36% of respondents paid bribe to judiciary: Survey
Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2013-07-10 04:27 PM
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – More than a third of Taiwanese participants in the Global Corruption Barometer 2013 published by Transparency International said they had paid a bribe to the judiciary within the past year, reports said Wednesday.

The organization, which has its secretariat in the German capital Berlin, said it interviewed 114,000 in 107 countries for their views on corruption, with an average of 1,000 respondents per country.

2013年7月8日 星期一

壹電視蘋果日報偷拍無罪 平民百姓公開拍有罪?

2013年7月4日 星期四

Textbook publisher Cengage files for bankruptcy



Tue Jul 2, 2013 1:25pm EDT
(Reuters) - Cengage Learning Inc, a large U.S. textbook publisher, on Tuesday filed for bankruptcy protection, as part of a prearranged restructuring it said will help it eliminate more than $4 billion of debt.
The company, which was acquired in a 2007 leveraged buyout by private equity firm Apax Partners and Omers Capital Partners, sought Chapter 11 protection from creditors with the U.S. bankruptcy court in Brooklyn, New York.

2013年7月3日 星期三

飛天自行車 Paravelo(flying electric bicycle)


Paravelo Flying Bicycle Not Just Pie In The Sky

Have you ever thought to yourself that you wished you owned a flying electric bicycle? Well, maybe you haven’t, but some inventors out of the United Kingdom have, and are currently seeking crowd funding through Kickstarter to help kickstart their dream of one day unveiling Paravelo to the public.
Paravelo, according to XploreAir, is said to be the world’s first flying bicycle, capable of altitudes up to 4,000 feet. It is a combination of a para wing and conventional bicycle. As you can see from the image below, at the heart of this bike’s design is a towed lightweight trailer carrying a powerful fan.
image via XploreAir
image via XploreAir


