Special Forces teams are all about silently
penetrating remote areas and executing complex, lightning-fast
raids. Now Darpa is developing a new vehicle to soundlessly race
commandos to their missions: stealthy, hybrid-powered
The idea is to develop a hybrid power system that
relies on both electric and gas power, allowing special ops to go
off-road and zip past enemy forces with the silence of an electric
engine, while also being able to handle extended missions and
higher speeds with a supplemental gas tank.
In February, Darpa awarded Logos Technologies a
$100,000 (£600,000), six-month Phase I Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) contract for a preliminary design to see just how
viable the project is.
"Quieted, all-wheel-drive capability at extended
range in a lightweight, rugged, single-track vehicle could support
the successful operations of US expeditionary and special forces in
extreme terrain conditions and contested environments," said Wade
Pulliam, manager of advanced concepts at Logos Technologies, in
statement. "With a growing need to operate
small units far from logistical support, the military may
increasingly rely on adaptable, efficient technologies like this
hybrid-electric motorcycle."
2014-05-02 20:13
油電混合動力 美軍研發無聲隱形機車
這輛代號為「RedShift MX」的越野機車,由美國國防部高級研究計劃處(Darpa)委託Logos Technologies公司進行開發,最大特色就是搭載了目前僅見於汽車界的「油電混合動力」,讓這輛機車在必要時可以轉為電力驅動,達到接近「無聲」運轉。