習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: Crying Greek pensioner: the story behind the poignant photo(Taiwan will be next country)

2015年7月5日 星期日

Crying Greek pensioner: the story behind the poignant photo(Taiwan will be next country)

Thessaloniki (Greece) (AFP) - Retiree Giorgos Chatzifotiadis had queued up at three banks in Greece's second city of Thessaloniki on Friday in the hope of withdrawing a pension on behalf of his wife, but all in vain.
When he was told at the fourth that he could not withdraw his 120 euros ($133), it was all too much and he collapsed in tears.
The 77-year-old told AFP that he had broken down because he "cannot stand to see my country in this distress".
"That's why I feel so beaten, more than for my own personal problems," Chatzifotiadis said.

The image of him sitting outside the bank, openly crying in despair with his savings book and identity card on the floor, was captured by an AFP photographer illustrating how ordinary Greeks are suffering during the country's debt crisis.
Athens had imposed capital controls and shut all banks since Monday to stem a haemorrhage of cash, but on Wednesday allowed some branches to reopen for three days so retirees who have no bank cards could withdraw their pensions -- capped at 120 euros.
Recounting how he had gone from bank to bank in a futile attempt to collect his wife's pension, Chatzifotiadis said when he was told at the fourth "that I could not get the money, I just collapsed".
Both he and his wife, like many Greeks in the north of the country, had spent several years in Germany where he "worked very hard" in a coal mine and later a foundry.
And it is from Berlin, which is being blamed by many in Greece for its hardline stance in demanding the government impose more austerity measures for fresh international aid, that Chatzifotiadis is receiving his wife's pension.
"I see my fellow citizens begging for a few cents to buy bread. I see more and more suicides. I am a sensitive person. I can not stand to see my country in this situation," he said.
"Europe and Greece have made mistakes. We must find a solution," he added.
But Chatzifotiadis feels he can do little to change the situation, and he is not even sure if he would be able to vote at Sunday's referendum on whether to accept international creditors' bailout conditions.
European leaders have warned that a 'No' vote would also mean no to the eurozone.
Pointing out that the polling station is 80 kilometres (50 miles) away, Chatzifotiadis said: "I have no money to go there, unless perhaps if my children would take me in their car."


2015-07-05  08:01 〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕希臘債務危機長期未解,許多當地人無法將錢從銀行領出,陷入絕望,一名77歲退休老翁日前跑了好幾家銀行要幫老婆提領120歐元(約台幣4200元)的退休金,跑了3家卻都碰壁,最後不禁在銀行外坐地崩潰痛哭!
《ABC News》報導,查茲佛提亞迪斯(Giorgos Chatzifotiadis)3日連續跑了3家銀行,到了第4家銀行被告知無法領錢,忍不住坐在地上痛哭,他的存款簿和身分證則散落身旁。


