習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 6月 2014

2014年6月26日 星期四


拆成大「光復」校區招牌 無罪

2014-06-26 自由時報
  • 今年一月中旬,成大光復校區銜牌的光復兩字英文字體遭李姓男畢業生拆掉。 (記者王俊忠攝)
    今年一月中旬,成大光復校區銜牌的光復兩字英文字體遭李姓男畢業生拆掉。 (記者王俊忠攝)
  • 李姓男子交出拆掉的光復校區招牌光復兩字英文字體。 (記者王俊忠攝)
    李姓男子交出拆掉的光復校區招牌光復兩字英文字體。 (記者王俊忠攝)

監督公眾事務 不違法


南檢不服判決 將上訴


2014年6月19日 星期四

美轟孔子學院 無言論自由




中 國過去10年投入大量資金人力,在上百國家地區設置逾千所孔子學院與孔子課堂,強力推廣文化,但學院「禁談六四、西藏」等敏感議題,教學人員多受出資的中 國政府所掌控。2012年加拿大麥克馬斯特大學的孔子學院,曾因要求教職員隱瞞法輪功等信仰,遭校內人員告上法院,校方最後關閉孔子學院。此外,早在美國 教授協會此次聲明前,加拿大教師協會去年底就發表類似聲明,美國芝加哥大學上百名教授更在上月連署,要求校方在今年9月合約到期後終止孔子學院的合作。


2014年6月10日 星期二

2nd China Army Unit Implicated in Online Spying

 just like the trade war between u.s and Japan in 1980s.


Researchers at Crowdstrike, a security company, believe this People's Liberation Army complex in Shanghai, surrounded by satellite dishes and dormitory-style residences, is the headquarters for a group of Chinese military hackers. Credit The New York Times

SAN FRANCISCO — The email attachment looked like a brochure for a yoga studio in Toulouse, France, the center of the European aerospace industry. But once it was opened, it allowed hackers to sidestep their victim’s network security and steal closely guarded satellite technology.
The fake yoga brochure was one of many clever come-ons used by a stealth Chinese military unit for hacking, said researchers at CrowdStrike, an Irvine, Calif., security company. Their targets were the networks of European, American and Japanese government entities, military contractors and research companies in the space and satellite industry, systematically broken into for seven years.
Just weeks after the Justice Department indicted five members of the Chinese army, accusing them of online attacks on United States corporations, a new report from CrowdStrike, released on Monday, offers more evidence of the breadth and ambition of China’s campaign to steal trade and military secrets from foreign victims.
The report, parts of which The New York Times was able to corroborate independently, ties attacks against dozens of public and private sector organizations back to a group of Shanghai-based hackers whom CrowdStrike called Putter Panda because they often targeted golf-playing conference attendees. The National Security Agency and its partners have identified the hackers as Unit 61486, according to interviews with a half-dozen current and former American officials.


George Kurtz, co-founder of CrowdStrike. Researchers there believe they have identified a group of Chinese hackers that for years has been systematically breaking into the networks of government entities and companies around the world. Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

2014年6月9日 星期一





泰國空軍司令駿通(Prajin Juntong)周日在與各經濟部會首長開會後,決定採取緊急的長期經濟計劃,其中包含在緬甸、寮國、馬來西亞邊境發展經濟特區,希望能藉此彌補近來因政局動盪而產生的經濟創傷。

負責經濟事務的空軍司令駿通表示,將與軍政府總理帕拉育(Prayut Chan-O-Cha)在周二及周三討論30項的緊急經濟措施,這些經濟措施包含解決農民的高利貸問題、設定燃料價格上限、以稻米價格保險制度取代收購、 及降低房屋貸款等。同時他也要求財政部長評估及調整稅收結構,並在下周向他提出報告。

Obama's stupid swapping five Taliban militants for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl

just like Homeland (TV Series) , Is he another Broody? Turned by Taliban militants?

EXCLUSIVE: Obama Defends Taliban Swap, Says He'd Do It Again

President Barack Obama told Brian Williams on Friday that he would authorize swapping five Taliban militants for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl again — even after an outcry over the soldier’s conduct, criticism of the deal and an uproar over why Congress was kept in the dark.
In an exclusive interview for “NBC Nightly News” from Normandy, France, where world leaders gathered to mark the 70th anniversary of D-Day, Obama said the Bergdahl decision came down to a simple principle.

Exclusive: Obama Defends Taliban Prisoner Swap

“When somebody wears our country’s uniform and they’re in a war theater and they’re captured,” he said, “we’re gonna do everything we can to bring ’em home.
The extended interview airs on “NBC Nightly News” and on “Brian Williams Reporting: Journey to Normandy,” which airs Friday at 8 p.m. ET on NBC.
The interview was Obama’s first since the Taliban returned Bergdahl to U.S. forces in exchange for five prisoners held at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Since then, Bergdahl’s platoon mates have accused him of desertion for walking away from his outpost in Afghanistan before he was captured in June 2009. Republicans in Congress have said the trade put American lives at risk because the five men could be called back to the fight. And members of Congress have suggested the president broke the law by not giving Congress 30 days’ notice before the operation.

Obama On: Taliban Hostage Swap

The administration has argued that it had to move quickly because Bergdahl’s health was deteriorating rapidly.
“We had to act fast in a delicate situation that required no publicity,” Obama told Williams.
On criticism of the deal, the president pointed out that the war in Afghanistan is ending, and that, by definition, “you don’t do prisoner exchanges with your friends, you do ’em with your enemies.”
“It’s also important for us to recognize that the transition process of ending a war is gonna involve, on occasion, releasing folks who we may not trust but we can’t convict,” Obama said.
He concluded: “This is something that I would do again, and I will continue to do wherever I have an opportunity, if I have a member of our military who’s in captivity. We’re gonna try to get ’em out.”
The exclusive interview covered a broad range of topics. Here are excerpts of what the president had to say.

2014年6月5日 星期四

Meet The Next 20 Genius Kids Getting $100,000 From Peter Thiel To Ditch College


An inventor behind a bionic glove for amputees. A kid who has a real idea to cure cancer. Not everyone should skip college, but for these teenagers, it could be to everyone's benefit if they jump right into working on their passions.
The higher education sector is struggling, but it's not dead yet. For the past few years,The Thiel Foundation--created by Paypal founder and outspoken libertarian Peter Thiel--has been trying to prove that it might be a good idea to dismantle it altogether. The Thiel Fellows program, now in its fourth year, offers a select group of entrepreneurial kids something that's hard to resist: $100,000 and mentorship to start a company. The only catch is that they have to ditch college.
This time around, the 550 applicants were stronger than ever, according to Mike Gibson, vice president of grants at the Thiel Foundation. "[The program] is becoming a norm, something people recognize," he says.
There were some overarching trends among applicants, including an interest in Bitcoin, machine learning, and hardware. In years past, gender balance has been a problem--last year there were four women in a class of 22 fellows. This year, there are five out of 20 fellows. Gibson says the foundation is actively trying to reach out to women through hackathons, events, and partnerships.
A study released earlier this year notes that the earnings gap between high school and college graduates is continuing to grow. But the Thiel Fellows represent a special breed--they're extremely smart, motivated, and would likely succeed in life regardless of their higher education choices.
Past fellows have so far created over 182 jobs and generated more than $87 million in economic activity (venture funding, revenue, grant money, etc.), the foundation says. Five participants went back to school in the first class of fellows; none have since then.
Among the most successful past fellows are Dan Friedman, the cofounder of a company called Thinkful that helps mid-career professionals who want to transition into more technical careers; venture capitalist Laura Deming, who is on a quest to fund anti-aging endeavors; and Paul Gu, the co-founder of a financial company called Upstart.
"A lot of these kids are richer than I am now," says Gibson.

澳門版太陽花 下個目標︰ 特首直選

ltn 自由時報
〔編譯陳伃軒/綜合報導〕網路團體「澳門良心」日前成功號召萬人上街、包圍澳門立法會,迫使澳門特首崔世安在尋求連任壓力下,二十九日撤回引發強烈 反彈的高官福利保障法案(離補法案)。「澳門良心」當天召開記者會表示,這是「民意的小勝」,但唯有推動立法會和特首全面普選,才能解決根本問題。
  • 現任澳門特首崔世安。(中央社) 現任澳門特首崔世安。(中央社)
  • 為了抗議澳門特區政府推動特首、卸任高官優渥待遇與特權的「高官離補法案」,繼25日的大遊行後,27日有逾7千民眾包圍立法會。(圖片取自澳門良心臉書) 為了抗議澳門特區政府推動特首、卸任高官優渥待遇與特權的「高官離補法案」,繼25日的大遊行後,27日有逾7千民眾包圍立法會。(圖片取自澳門良心臉書)

澳門未來 澳門人掌握

2014年6月2日 星期一

權貴資本主義 台排名上升2

權貴資本主義指數 台灣世界第8

《經濟學人》(The Economist)在今年3月所做的全球權貴資本主義指數(Crony Capitalism Index)評比結果顯示,台灣在23個國家中排名第8,較上一次發布指數的年份2007年上升2名。(圖取自網路)

2014-06-02  11:19 〔本報訊〕在台灣,年輕人想要不靠任何關係,白手起家、功成名就是愈趨困難了。《經濟學人》(The Economist)在今年3月所做的全球權貴資本主義指數(Crony Capitalism Index)評比結果顯示,台灣在23個國家中排名第8,較上一次發布指數的年份2007年上升2名。
  • 《經濟學人》(The Economist)在今年3月所做的全球權貴資本主義指數(Crony Capitalism Index)評比結果顯示,台灣在23個國家中排名第8,較上一次發布指數的年份2007年上升2名。(圖取自網路) 《經濟學人》(The Economist)在今年3月所做的全球權貴資本主義指數(Crony Capitalism Index)評比結果顯示,台灣在23個國家中排名第8,較上一次發布指數的年份2007年上升2名。(圖取自網路)
權貴資本主義,又稱裙帶資本主義,講得白話一點,就是財團和政府的掛勾程度。在全世界是個普遍現象,只不過在不同的國家表現形式有所不 同。發達國家的權貴資本主義,主要表現為私人資本與政府相結合,政府成為私人資本的保護傘;私人資本在議會和政府中培養自己的政治代言人,利用金錢和遊說 對政治家的決策施加巨大影響,以政府的資助和支持,維護自己的經濟利益。


