習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: Tesla's new Model X has a 'bioweapon defense mode' button

2016年5月3日 星期二

Tesla's new Model X has a 'bioweapon defense mode' button

Tesla's new Model X has a 'bioweapon defense mode' button

 'This is a real button,' Musk says

If you want to survive a biological attack, you might want to look into buying a Tesla. The company just officially unveiled the Model X, and Elon Musk shared a rather unexpected feature during the unveiling: a "bioweapon defense mode" button.
"This is a real button," said Musk, who was all too ready to have to defend the existence of the outrageous feature. He was in the middle of discussing how clean the Model X is when it comes to air quality both in and out of the car (the air cleanliness is "on the levels of a hospital room," he said) when things got dark.
The Model X is 800 times better at filtering viruses than other cars

The button should come in handy "if there’s ever an apocalyptic scenario of some kind," he said. All you apparently have to do is push the button and the Model X's air filter — which is about 10 times larger than a normal car's air filter — should be able to keep you safe. The company claims it's 300 times better at filtering bacteria, 500 times better at filtering allergens, 700 times better at filtering smog, and 800 times better at filtering viruses.

"We’re trying to be a leader in apocalyptic defense scenarios," Musk continued. Because what else do you want from a futuristic, semi-autonomous, all-electric car that's as fast as a Porsche than the ability to survive biological warfare?
Verge Video: Test-driving the Tesla Model X
 實車測給你看! Tesla 竟連生化武器也沒在怕?

2016/05/03 17:00 文/記者張宇諄

Tesla 在電動車 Model 3 發表會後,知名度與發展更加吸引全球各界關注。延續這股眾人的討論熱潮,Tesla 最近再公布「生化武器防禦系統」的研發成果,宣稱除了能過濾、有效改善空氣品質外,還能抵擋軍事級別的化學武器攻擊
Tesla 將 model X 駛入注滿毒氣的大型塑膠球中,然後「生化武器防禦系統」做測試,成效驚人
Tesla 於本週一(5/2)表示,車輛設計上相當重視安全、健康兩大層面,加上近來空污議題逐漸嚴重,因此開發出 HEPA 過濾系統,這個功能不僅能消滅外界進入車內的細菌、花粉,以及 PM2.5 等日常空汙問題,更厲害的是:還能應付軍事級的化學武器攻擊!
這到底是不是一個誇大的說法?面對外界疑慮,Tesla 也提出測試結果,除了表現 Model X 在空氣品質差的城市的空氣濾淨效果,還將 Model X 駛入一顆大型塑膠球中,並注入毒氣、開啟「生武器防禦模式」!沒想到車內空氣質量在不到短短的 2 分鐘內,就改善到「醫療級水平」!
  • 圖片來源/motor1



