習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: Frontier Market

2013年6月26日 星期三

Frontier Market

moneynews.com: In Turbulent Times, Frontier Stocks Hold on to Long-Haul Investors

3 Reasons to Consider Frontier Markets

With a growing number of ETFs providing access to frontier markets, it’s important to take a step back, understand the category and assess whether these equities are right for your portfolio.
Frontier markets, sometimes referred to as “pre-emerging markets”, are countries with equity markets that are less established – places like Argentina, Kuwait and Bangladesh.   They tend to be characterized by lower market capitalization, less liquidity and, in some cases, earlier stages of economic development.  As you can imagine, they can be particularly hard to access for foreign investors.
Given that frontier markets are smaller and hard to access, what’s the draw for an investor?  There are a few potential portfolio benefits to be aware of:
1)    Widen scope. Frontier markets give investors the opportunity to broaden their global exposure, widen their capitalization spectrum and even gain access to particular areas of growth.  For investors looking to complete their international investment exposure, frontier markets can sometimes literally be “the final frontier” of their portfolio.

2)    Diversification. As emerging markets mature and become increasingly coupled with global developed economies, their risk/return characteristics begin to resemble those of their developed market counterparts.  Frontier markets have exhibited a low correlation to emerging and developed markets, making it a diversifier to most portfolios.

3)    Access to growth. Many frontier market countries have low debt-to-GDP levels and offer high economic growth rates when compared with emerging and developed markets.  In addition, it’s estimated that ~30% of the global population currently resides in frontier markets – consumers of the future as these countries continue to develop.
When considering an investment in frontier markets, it’s important to note that all exposures are not created equal.  The fact that these markets are hard to access can be reflected in the type of securities that some frontier market indexes include.  For example, some of these indexes include few if any truly local frontier market stocks, opting instead for U.S and European listed depository receipts, or even up to 50% or more in emerging markets securities.
What differentiates the MSCI Frontier Markets 100 Index (the benchmark for the recently-launched iShares Frontier Markets ETF – FM), is that the index puts a strong emphasis on tradability in a number of ways, such as requiring a minimum liquidity level for securities.  Because of this, the index includes 100% frontier market equities, rather than relying on emerging market equities to make up for lack of liquidity in frontier markets.
In my next post, I’ll share how we see our clients implementing a frontier markets strategy in their portfolios.
Sources: MSCI, Bloomberg, World Economic Outlook

Diversification may not protect against market risk or loss of principal.
In addition to the normal risks associated with investing, international investments may involve risk of capital loss from unfavorable fluctuation in currency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles or from economic or political instability in other nations. Frontier markets involve heightened risks related to the same factors and may be subject to a greater risk of loss than investments in more developed and emerging markets.
The iShares MSCI Frontier 100 Index Fund generally invests at least 80% of its assets in the securities of its benchmark and in depository receipts representing securities of its benchmark.

回應(0) 人氣(921) 收藏(0) 2013/06/24 16:10

精實新聞 2013-06-24 16:10:26 記者 郭妍希 報導


華爾街日報21日報導,自從聯準會(FED)主席柏南克(Ben S. Bernanke)5月22日首度暗示量化寬鬆貨幣政策(QE)可能退場之後,孟加拉、保加利亞、突尼西亞、立陶宛等邊境市場仍逆勢上漲5-10%,但金磚四國的股市跌幅卻多達10-20%。

根據報導,今年截至6月20日收盤為止,涵蓋巴西、大陸、南韓、台灣、墨西哥、南非等大型新興市場的MSCI新興市場指數(MSCI Emerging Market Index)仍大跌逾12%,但由科威特、卡達、奈及利亞等小型市場組成的MSCI明晟邊境市場指數(MSCI Frontier Markets Index)卻仍大漲逾13%(自5月以來約下跌2%左右)。

Oxford Financial Group資深投資策略師Brendan O`Sullivan-Hale表示,邊境市場之所以較為強勢,有部份是因為這些市場較為仰賴當地消費者的需求的緣故,這意味著它們也較不受全球貿易活動的影響。

ClearRock Capital投資長Mark Eshman則建議民眾在投資組合中加入一部份邊境市場,可降低整個組合的波動率。不過,他要求投資人必須有點耐心,倘若這波賣壓持續加重,那麼即使是表現最優秀的市場也會受到衝擊。

嘉實XQ全球贏家系統報價顯示,杜拜股市佔37.3%權重的WisdomTree中東股利指數基金(WisdomTree Middle East Dividend Fund,代碼為GULF.US)21日上漲1.34%,收18.19美元;年初迄今漲幅高達21.35%。此外,iShares MSCI邊境市場100大ETF (iShares MSCI Frontier 100 ETF,代碼為FM.US)21日則小漲0.90%,收30.33美元;6月3日收盤(32.30美元)創2012年9月掛牌以來新高,年初迄今漲幅達9.81%。邊境市場包括杜拜、阿布達比、越南、奈及利亞、科威特、卡達等成長動力強勁的新興國家。

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