習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: China Dismisses Edward Snowden Claim That Its Spies Stole F-35 Fighter Design As 'Groundless'

2015年1月20日 星期二

China Dismisses Edward Snowden Claim That Its Spies Stole F-35 Fighter Design As 'Groundless'

  • F35JointStrikeFighter
    Three F-35 Joint Strike Fighters (rear to front) AF-2, AF-3 and AF-4, can be seen flying over Edwards Air Force Base in this Dec. 10, 2011 handout photo provided by Lockheed Martin.
  • Edward Snowden
    Former U.S. National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden said Chinese spies stole documents about an Australian jet.
Update as of 5:10am EST: China dismissed allegations that it stole data related to Lockheed Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter as “groundless” on Monday.
"The so-called evidence that has been used to launch groundless accusations against China is completely unjustified," Hong Lei, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson, told reporters, according to Reuters.

U.S. National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden said Chinese spies stole a huge volume of data related to Lockheed's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the Australian Associated Press reported, and military experts say Beijing likely used the information to help develop its latest generation of fighters. Snowden shared signals data documenting the Chinese theft with German magazine Der Spiegel, and the Australian government is aware of the “serious damage” from the breach, the Sydney Morning Herald said.

The Chinese allegedly stole 50 terabytes of data, including information about the fighter's detailed engine schematics, "aft deck heating contour maps," methods for cooling exhaust gases and the method the jet uses to track targets, the Morning Herald said.
China apparently used information stolen from American intelligence through espionage to influence "fifth-generation" fighters, military experts told the Morning Herald. The Chengdu J-20 and the Shenyang J-31 threaten the superiority the West has in the skies.
Last year, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the country would purchase 58 more F-35 fighters, which cost more than $12 billion, Sky News, Australia, said. "The fifth-generation F-35 is the most advanced fighter in production anywhere in the world and will make a vital contribution to our national security," Abbott said, according to the Morning Herald. The jet was expected enter service with the Australian air force in 2020.
The Australian government has not released an official comment on Snowden's latest disclosures.
Snowden leaked information about the NSA to media outlets in June 2013. Some of the information disclosed, like global surveillance programs, caused controversy. While his actions have been labeled criminal by the U.S. government, some consider him a hero. After he allegedly released hundreds of thousands of secret documents, Snowden took refuge in Russia. If he came back to the U.S., he would face espionage charges.
Snowden has continued to speak out since making his original disclosures, and is to appear at a Hawaii conference via video, KHON, Honolulu, reported. He is to talk after a showing of the Oscar-nominated documentary “Citizenfour” at the First Amendment conference at the Hawaii Convention Center Feb. 14.


史諾登爆料︰中國駭客 盜美F35機密

2015-01-20 〔編譯管淑平/綜合報導〕流亡俄羅斯的美國國家安全局(NSA)前包商雇員史諾登(Edward Snowden)披露最新NSA絕密文件,指稱美國洛克希德馬丁公司開發的第五代戰機F-35「閃電二式」(F-35 Lightning II)多功能匿蹤戰鬥機(見圖,美聯社),大量設計機密遭中國竊取。
  • 美國洛克希德馬丁公司開發的第五代戰機F-35戰鬥機。(圖取自網路維基百科) 美國洛克希德馬丁公司開發的第五代戰機F-35戰鬥機。(圖取自網路維基百科)
德國《明鏡週刊》刊登史諾登提供的最新NSA以及包括澳洲信號局(ASD)在內的「五眼」情報聯盟的信號情報資料,描述NSA與五眼夥 伴著眼於未來網路戰的部署,以及追蹤、反制中國網路情報活動。一份NSA絕密簡報資料顯示,中國網路間諜竊取敏感軍事情資,包括美國與英國、澳洲等盟國合 作的「聯合攻擊戰鬥機」(JSF)計畫,即具備匿蹤功能的F-35閃電二式戰機。
澳洲《雪梨晨驅報》十八日引述《明鏡》披露的文件報導,遭 竊的F-35機密包括雷達系統組件型號、引擎細部設計圖、戰機排氣的冷卻方式、「尾艙加熱輪廓圖」等,資料量達「數個兆位元組(terabyte)」。史 諾登提供的文件首度公開證實此事,並披露竊密規模。據了解,F-35機密遭竊主要發生在二○○七年。


一 份NSA簡報以「拜占庭冥王」(Byzantine Hades)為代號,指稱中國網路竊密活動,指其成功入侵美國國防部系統至少三萬次,一年內被列為「重大入侵事件」次數達五百起,總資料量估計達五十兆位 元組(50terabytes)、相當於「五座美國國會圖書館」,造成的損失和相關修復成本達上億美元。


