Judicial corruption serious in Taiwan: Transparency International
36% of respondents paid bribe to judiciary: Survey
Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2013-07-10 04:27 PM
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – More than a third of Taiwanese participants in the Global Corruption Barometer 2013 published by Transparency International said they had paid a bribe to the judiciary within the past year, reports said Wednesday.
The organization, which has its secretariat in the German capital Berlin, said it interviewed 114,000 in 107 countries for their views on corruption, with an average of 1,000 respondents per country.
According to the report, 35 percent of survey respondents in Taiwan said they had paid a bribe to members of the judiciary. A total of 74 percent thought that political parties were affected by corruption.
With between 30 percent and 39.9 percent of respondents admitting to having paid a bribe, Taiwan ranked in the same category as Mexico, Egypt, Indonesia and Vietnam.
Japan, South Korea and Malaysia ranked in the best category, with fewer than 5 percent of respondents reporting having paid any bribes. The Philippines and Thailand were also listed in groups better than Taiwan, while China was not present in the survey. Cambodia and India were among the worst performers.
Transparency International interviewed residents of Taiwan about their opinions on the prevalence of corruption in various sectors of society. The Legislative Yuan came out worst, with 75 percent of respondents feeling the institution was affected by corruption. Political parties came a close second at 74 percent, while the media finished third at 62 percent. The judiciary was accused of corruption by 57 percent of survey participants, followed by police, the military, public officials and civil servants all finishing at 56 percent. Of the categories presented to respondents, non-governmental organizations received the best result, with 31 percent believing they were affected by corruption.
As to the fight against corruption, 51 percent of Taiwanese respondents agreed that ordinary people could make a difference, while 13 percent strongly agreed, the survey said.
Asked about the changes in corruption in Taiwan, 48 percent thought the problem had decreased a little, while 23 percent thought it had decreased a lot, the barometer said.
According to the 2005 barometer however, only 3 percent of Taiwanese respondents said they had paid bribes.
The past year has seen numerous corruption scandals, with the alleged involvement of government officials such as former Cabinet Secretary-General Lin Yi-shih, Nantou County Magistrate Lee Chao-ching and Taipei City Councilor Lai Su-ru. The politicians all face court cases related to corruption, even though they professed their innocence.
新頭殼newtalk 2013.07.11 林禾寧/綜合報導
總統馬英九一再強調「清廉是我的生命」,上台後大力肅貪,但一項調查恐怕讓他滿臉無光。國際透明組織(Transparency International)9日公布2013《全球貪腐趨勢指數》(Corruption Barometer 2013),結果顯示,在全球受調查的107個國家中,台灣行賄情形為36%,高於全球平均的28%,貪腐情形嚴重,而且民眾普遍認為政黨貪污情形嚴重。
《全球貪腐趨勢指數》是全球範圍最廣的貪腐調查,2013年是針對107個國家進行調查,受訪民眾總計達到11萬4000人,以瞭解民眾在接受政府提供服 務時個人行賄的經驗,以及在納入評比的12個部門機關中,調查民眾對各部門、機關貪腐的看法。今年的調查,並沒有包括中國。
另外針對政黨、國會、軍隊、非政府組織、企業、教育、司法、媒體、宗教團體、醫療保健、警察、公務人員等12個部門貪腐程度的調查中,台灣民眾普遍認為 「政黨」、「國會」貪腐情形最為嚴重,其次為「媒體」,緊接在後的是「司法部門」、「警察」、「公務人員」。整體而言,台灣在評比的12個部門中,貪腐的 嚴重程度都高於全球平均數。
至於詢問政府打擊貪腐的成效,則有46%的台灣受訪民眾認為沒有成效,只有16%肯定有成效。比較今年與2010年的數據,2010年有37.4%的民眾認為政府反貪有成,但今 (2013)年則下降至16%。顯示人民對政府肅貪工作越來越沒信心。
總統馬英九一再強調「清廉是我的生命」,上台後大力肅貪,但一項調查恐怕讓他滿臉無光。國際透明組織(Transparency International)9日公布2013《全球貪腐趨勢指數》(Corruption Barometer 2013),結果顯示,在全球受調查的107個國家中,台灣行賄情形為36%,高於全球平均的28%,貪腐情形嚴重,而且民眾普遍認為政黨貪污情形嚴重。
《全球貪腐趨勢指數》是全球範圍最廣的貪腐調查,2013年是針對107個國家進行調查,受訪民眾總計達到11萬4000人,以瞭解民眾在接受政府提供服 務時個人行賄的經驗,以及在納入評比的12個部門機關中,調查民眾對各部門、機關貪腐的看法。今年的調查,並沒有包括中國。
另外針對政黨、國會、軍隊、非政府組織、企業、教育、司法、媒體、宗教團體、醫療保健、警察、公務人員等12個部門貪腐程度的調查中,台灣民眾普遍認為 「政黨」、「國會」貪腐情形最為嚴重,其次為「媒體」,緊接在後的是「司法部門」、「警察」、「公務人員」。整體而言,台灣在評比的12個部門中,貪腐的 嚴重程度都高於全球平均數。
至於詢問政府打擊貪腐的成效,則有46%的台灣受訪民眾認為沒有成效,只有16%肯定有成效。比較今年與2010年的數據,2010年有37.4%的民眾認為政府反貪有成,但今 (2013)年則下降至16%。顯示人民對政府肅貪工作越來越沒信心。