Paravelo Flying Bicycle Not Just Pie In The Sky
Paravelo, according to XploreAir, is said to be the world’s first flying bicycle, capable of altitudes up to 4,000 feet. It is a combination of a para wing and conventional bicycle. As you can see from the image below, at the heart of this bike’s design is a towed lightweight trailer carrying a powerful fan.
In order to fly one connects the bike and trailer, unfurls a flexible wing and fires up an electric starer motor, which in turn gets the biofuel-powered fan going. The theory on take off is simple – find some open space, rev this sucker up to its 15 MPH speed and up you go into the skies, hitting a top air speed of 25 MPH.
This ultra-light aircraft, which can fly for up to three hours, includes an optional tent to camp with after you land somewhere in the outback. When not in use, the entire flying bike and tent reportedly packs down easy to store inside one’s home or office.
XploreAir says it has spent two years developing an advanced prototype that’s been tested on both the ground and in the air. It is seeking funding from individuals to help finalize the design. Those that also ultimately choose to buy one will be getting for themselves a vehicle who’s cost and running expenses “are comparable with a small family car.”
One other possible avenue the start up sees the Paravelo being used for is in applications such as “a highly autonomous and cost-effective aerial reconnaissance vehicle for forest rangers and border patrols.”
酷炫環保腳踏車 不僅能發電還會飛 【2013/7/3 22:56】
美國德州研究團隊以廚房的工作台為概念,研發出的「飄浮」腳踏車,能夠經由使用者踩踏腳踏車的動能,轉換為電能並儲存在車體中,同時,透過隱藏在手把中 的USB轉接頭或是內建的插頭,就能將產生的電力從車內的儲電電池接出來,用在家用電或是其他小型家電用品如手機,甚至是電動車上,而且發電過程完全沒有 任何二氧化碳產生,對環境污染和溫室效應的幫助相當大。
除了發電、供電的功能外,「飄浮」腳踏車還有內建的Wi-Fi基地台,只要電池裡面有電,使用者就可以使用這個基地台來上網,此外,「飄浮」腳踏車是真 的可以飛,它的設計其實包含了機翼、風扇、小型引擎和降落傘的系統合稱為飛天自行車(Paravelo)系統,未來研發成功可飛至4000英尺(約 1220公尺)的高空,時速可達到25英里(約時速40公里)。
美國德州研究團隊以廚房的工作台為概念,研發出的「飄浮」腳踏車,能夠經由使用者踩踏腳踏車的動能,轉換為電能並儲存在車體中,同時,透過隱藏在手把中 的USB轉接頭或是內建的插頭,就能將產生的電力從車內的儲電電池接出來,用在家用電或是其他小型家電用品如手機,甚至是電動車上,而且發電過程完全沒有 任何二氧化碳產生,對環境污染和溫室效應的幫助相當大。
除了發電、供電的功能外,「飄浮」腳踏車還有內建的Wi-Fi基地台,只要電池裡面有電,使用者就可以使用這個基地台來上網,此外,「飄浮」腳踏車是真 的可以飛,它的設計其實包含了機翼、風扇、小型引擎和降落傘的系統合稱為飛天自行車(Paravelo)系統,未來研發成功可飛至4000英尺(約 1220公尺)的高空,時速可達到25英里(約時速40公里)。