習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 68-year-old man born blind sees for the first time after operation

2013年7月27日 星期六

68-year-old man born blind sees for the first time after operation

Still of Pierre-Paul Thomas - © The Montreal Gazette, http://aka.ms/blindeyesfixed

When Pierre-Paul Thomas was born blind 68 years ago, there was nothing medical science could do for him. Two years ago, the Montreal man fell down a flight of stairs, fracturing facial bones, including those around his eye sockets. During the recuperation process at Montreal General Hospital, plastic surgeon Lucie Lessard asked a casual question: "Do you want us to fix your eyes, too?" Two simple cataract removal operations later, Thomas could see. Though he's still adjusting to changing his fingertip sense memory to visuals, Thomas is thrilled to be in an amazing new world. "It's like I’m a child all over again," he said.


天生失明男子 68歲重見光明



湯 瑪斯 (Pierre-Paul Thomas)小時候,與9兄弟姐妹,住在蒙特利爾以北100公里的一個小鎮。他患有先天性眼球震顫症,眼球會不由自主向兩邊移動,加上視覺神經受損及白 內障,湯瑪斯只能在極近距離,看到一些朦朧的黑影,他的世界灰色一片。由於當時並沒有醫療保障,湯瑪斯只能一直失明。

直到兩年前,湯瑪斯 在家中跌到,臉骨破裂,要送醫進行手術。在漫長的復健過程中,醫生問他想不想醫好雙眼,於是湯瑪斯決定做手術,清除白內障,直到今年他終於重見光明。湯瑪 斯說,現在看到各種不同色彩,感覺有如重生。雖然其他的先天眼疾無法治癒,但能恢復視力已令他感到滿足。



