習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: Rep. Amash’s Amendment To Defund The NSA’s Domestic Phone Metadata Program Fails 205-217

2013年7月27日 星期六

Rep. Amash’s Amendment To Defund The NSA’s Domestic Phone Metadata Program Fails 205-217


It's very close , which means NSA can still do broad surveillance of U.S. citizens and the retention of information relating to their actions.

Today Rep. Amash’s amendment to the 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill failed in the House on a vote of 205 in favor to 217 opposed. When it became known that the amendment would in fact come up for a vote, the powers of the status quo came together to decry its tenets as ham-fisted and irresponsible.
The White House called the amendment a “blunt approach” that is not “the product of an informed, open, or deliberative process.” Naturally, the irony of that specific complaint resonates: The intelligence programs in question were not enacted with any of those forms of debate. To ask that their rescinding be held to a higher standard then their enaction is hubris of a real sort.

Underlining how seriously those who are in favor of maintaining the phone record collection program took the amendment’s threat to yank its funding, General Alexander himself — the good general heads the NSA — gave briefings on the Hill to House Democrats and Republicans, albeit in different sessions.
A formal statement from the White House and face time with the head of the NSA are some of the larger guns available for this sort of court press.
The NSA has come under heavy scrutiny for its collection of both Internet data and telephonic records by privacy advocates, certain members of Congress, and what is sometimes referred to as the netroots — efforts that include broad surveillance of U.S. citizens and the retention of information relating to their actions. Those in favor claim that it doesn’t violate the Fourth Amendment and is a key tool in the fight to protect American interests and national security. Opponents directly proclaim that the various NSA data-collection efforts are beyond unconscionable and should instead be viewed as nothing less than utterly un-American given its diametric opposition to hallowed Constitutional rights.
This isn’t a small argument, and it goes beyond our current simplistic ideological dialogue in which there are only two perspectives: left and right. Instead, we’re seeing a number of supposedly small government members of Congress stand behind action that gives the Federal government chronic authority to end the right to privacy. At the same time, the argument that national security can at times take primacy over privacy has been upheld in the past by American courts.
Before the vote, House members opposed to the amendment circulated a letter that included the following text:

 While many Members have legitimate questions about the NSA metadata program, including whether there are sufficient protections for Americans’ civil liberties, eliminating this program altogether without careful deliberation would not reflect our duty, under Article I of the Constitution, to provide for the common defense.  Furthermore, the Amash amendment would have unintended consequences for the intelligence and law enforcement communities beyond the metadata program.
Rep. Rogers was among those signed to the above. From the other end, adifferent House cadre came out in favor of the amendment, including Rep. Lofgren, who released a letter that said:

In short, this amendment would not prohibit the government from spying on terrorists under Section 215, or from collecting information in bulk about American’s under other legal provisions. However, the amendment would prevent the bulk collection of sensitive information on innocent Americans under Section 215 – and important improvement.
The vote was surprisingly close, with broad bipartisan support in favor of the amendment, and equally strong support opposed; this is a vote that split parties. The final tally was 94 Republicans and 111 Democrats in favor, and 134 Republicans and 83 Democrats opposed.
That the vote was so close all but guarantees that as an issue, the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs will be challenged again, and perhaps successfully.

2013-07-25 自由時報

美眾議院批准 政府可繼續監聽民眾電話

〔本報訊〕美國前情報人員史諾登(Edward Snowden)爆料美國國家安全局監聽民眾上億筆電話及電子郵件通訊,美國眾議院今投票決定,批准國家安全局繼續合法對民眾進行電話監聽。

 共和黨國會議員阿馬什(Justin Amash)提出修正案,要求限制國安局監聽民眾電話,防止無辜民眾的個人資料被「掃進」政府的數據庫。不過,美國總統歐巴馬表示,限制國安局的數據收集,是「匆忙毀掉」一個至關重要的反恐手段。




