40000 to 1 N.T
100000 to 2.5 N.T
From The Atlantic.
Steve Hanke, an economist at Johns Hopkins University, has documented 56 instances since 1795, ranging from a comparatively benign monthlong burst in Taiwan in 1947 (prices rose by a little more than half in that month, then the increase slowed), to a truly surreal year in Hungary in 1945–46, when at one point prices doubled every 15 hours. In Slobodan Milošević’s Yugoslavia in 1994, hyperinflation stopped only when the presses at the national mint, in Topčider, overheated to their breaking point.
The most famous recent case of sustained hyperinflation is Zimbabwe in 2007–08, when prices, at the peak, doubled every 24 hours. “It was the only case where the inflation completely ran its course, and the government just printed money until people just no longer used it,” says William Masters, an economist at Tufts University. Eventually, after the inflation rate reached 80,000,000,000 percent a month, folks simply stopped showing up at the central bank to pick up Zimbabwean dollars, and the U.S. dollar and South African rand spontaneously became the country’s primary currencies.
自由時報 – 2013年2月1日 上午4:24
無限量的印鈔票,怎能達到刺激經濟的目的?鈔票一多,錢就不值錢了。熱錢在市場流竄,並不會真正投入生產事業,而是跑到股市與商品市場,這只會製造 更多泡沫,與振興經濟背道而馳,最近美股與日股不斷創新高,是貨幣寬鬆所創造出來的,與經濟復甦沒有關係,各國面對當前全球的經濟問題,已是束手無策,投 資人得自求多福。 (金貝貝)