習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: Apple Campus 2

2013年4月6日 星期六

Apple Campus 2

Apple Campus 2 nearly $2 billion over budget and behind schedule, says Bloomberg 


Architects are looking for ways to cut costs

Bloomberg Businessweek is reporting that the budget for Apple's new "spaceship" campus has risen from $3 billion to "nearly $5 billion." Citing five anonymous sources, the publication notes that the stretched budget would make Apple Campus 2 more expensive than the World Trade Center complex currently under construction. The project was originally scheduled for completion in 2015, but the move-in date has now been pushed back to 2016 as architects Foster + Partners search for a way to cut the current cost by a billion dollars.
The new campus was announced back in 2011 at what was to be Steve Jobs' last public appearance. Even at $3 billion the budget for what is essentially an office complex was high, but Jobs believed the cost was justified as it could become "the best office building in the world." Speaking to the Cupertino City Council, Jobs said that "there isn’t a straight piece of glass on the whole building... and as you know if you build things, this isn’t the cheapest way to build them."

"There isn't a straight piece of glass on the whole building."  

Seele, the German firm tasked with creating the curved glass exterior, says it's producing something like "six square kilometers of glass" for the building, noting that "normally we talk in terms of square feet." The company, which also makes the glass staircases that have become synonymous with Apple's retail stores, has doubled the capacity of its factory to complete the project.
Campus 2 is also planned as a "net-zero energy" complex. In addition to architectural energy-saving tactics such as advanced skylights and an airflow design that will help cool and warm the building, the campus will hold 700,000 square feet of solar panels, generating 8 megawatts of power. Although that's enough to power roughly 4,000 homes, Apple will still require additional power, and is said to be negotiating deals on solar- and wind-generated power to augment its supply. Apple didn't offer comment on Bloomberg's piece, but the publication seems confident that its sources are correct.

 蘋果飛碟新總部 造價近50億美元


〔編譯陳維真/綜合報導〕蘋果共同創辦人賈伯斯生前打造的蘋果新總部Campus 2,原本預計在二○一五年以三十億美元的預算完工。不過現在卻傳出預算嚴重超支,總預算可能逼近五十億美元,且完工日期必須要延後一年,可能要到二○一六年才會完工。
指定建材 造價高漲
去 年流出的影像顯示,新園區占地一百七十八公頃。完工後,會有一座設有一千個座位的大禮堂、健身房、員工餐廳,以及面積多達八千四百坪的研究空間。除此之 外,園區有地下停車場,因此八十%的面積全為樹木所覆蓋,並由天然氣等清淨能源提供電力來源,屋頂上也會有面積近兩萬坪的太陽能板可發電,只有緊急狀況才 會用到當地電網。
不過,實際上今年六月才會開始拆除原本的 舊建築。據稱,完工日期延後是因為和一些下游的承包商合約還未談攏。雖然還沒開始正式施工,但總預算已經從二十億多美元一路暴增到近五十億美元(約一千四 百九十億台幣)。連紐約世貿中心重建計畫的三十九億美元預算都相形失色。不過,比起蘋果公司手中的一千三百七十億美元現金,五十億的預算還占不到一%。


