菲利普艾斯特中學Phillips Exeter Academy 全美第3名
達文西密碼The Da Vinci Code作者丹.布朗Dan Brown畢業的學校
Phillips Exeter Academy實力與經費220年歷史的學校,圖書館藏書量共145,000冊,是世界中學之冠,圖書館同一 時間可容納全校一半學生,從95年至99年,送超過1050人進入美國首屈一指的 超級名牌大學,88人入哈佛,77人入耶魯,55人入賓大,45人去史丹福,34人 去普林斯頓,26人去麻省理工,21人去了芝大。入其他大學的未算數。 學校有一筆高達5億美元的發展基金,有教無類是學校的教育宗旨,學生有來自名門望族,也有通過助學金入讀的普通家庭的子女,校長的學士﹑碩士﹑ 博士三個學位都是哈佛畢業的。 學校名叫Phillips Exeter Academy,它是1781年由Phillips夫婦創辦的,位於New Hampshire 的Exeter,距離波士頓一小時的車程。 |
無壓力學習 學校一周上課五天,上午四節課,下午四節課,逢星期一, 二, 四, 五每天兩節運動課。逢星期三, 六下午則有各項學術比賽, 每周三個早上全校學生半小時集會, 每晚五至七有兩小時學生組織的自發式活動。八至十時半則硬性規定是溫習時間, 之後關燈睡覺。 學校是由第九班開始,每年都維持在1000個學生左右,男女各半。這1000多個學生是來自美國43個不同的州,27個海外國家,香港曾有住司徒拔道的陳先生及住寶馬山道的梁先生的子女就讀及畢業。 文章之修訂稿刊登於 2001年9月4日《明報》的"教得樂" 特刊 .........................................
Academy Mission Statement
The founder of Phillips Exeter Academy defined its mission more than two centuries ago. "Above all," John Phillips stated, "it is expected that the attention of instructors to the disposition of the minds and morals of the youth under their charge will exceed every other care; well considering that though goodness without knowledge is weak and feeble, yet knowledge without goodness is dangerous, and that both united form the noblest character, and lay the surest foundation of usefulness to mankind."
Exeter today continues the commitment to unite knowledge and goodness. It seeks students who combine proven academic ability, intellectual curiosity, and tenacity with decency and good character. At the Academy, exacting inquiry and thoughtful discourse foster the life of the mind, instruction and activity promote fitness and health, and the daily interactions of a residential school nurture integrity, empathy, and kindness. Because learning and growth at Exeter arise from each individual's engagement with others, the richness of education here requires diversity in all its dimensions; students and faculty value the differences they bring to the community they share.
The challenges that students meet at Exeter and the support they receive have a common purpose: to stimulate their development as individuals and as members of society. Exeter seeks to graduate young people whose creativity and independence of thought sustain their continuing inquiry and reflection, whose interest in others and the world around them surpasses their self-concern, and whose passion for learning impels them beyond what they already know.
Learn more about Exeter from the original Deed of Gift, which inaugurated the school in 1781 …
菲利普艾斯特中學Phillips Exeter Academy 全美第3名