習近平(2012年11月15日就職中共總書記談話): 「我們的人民熱愛生活,期盼有更好的教育、更穩定的工作、更滿意的收入、更可靠的社會保障、更高水平的醫療衛生服務、更舒適的居住條件、更優美的環境,期盼著孩子們能成長得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民對美好生活的向往,就是我們的奮鬥目標。」 Worldwatch: 2013

2013年12月9日 星期一

Japan enacts controversial state secrecy law

Is it a signal or preparation before sino-japan war ? 
Jiji Press -- Dec 07
Japan's House of Councillors passed into law a controversial state secrecy law on Friday after days of a standoff between the ruling and opposition camps.
The 242-member Upper House controlled by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its New Komeito ally adopted the bill by a vote of 130 to 82.

2013年12月5日 星期四

Spanish jobseekers flood and crash Ikea server


AFP/The Local | 4 Dec 2013, 13:45
A new Ikea store in Spain prompted so many job applications that the company's internet server crashed, forcing the Swedish furniture behemoth to suspend the hiring process.
A flood of 20,000 applications for jobs at a new Ikea store in Spain crashed the company's internet server, forcing it to suspend the hiring process, the Swedish furniture giant said on Wednesday.
The company posted an online questionnaire on Monday for applicants to work at the store, due to open early next year in Alfafar in the eastern region of Valencia where the unemployment rate is over 28 percent. 
"We have received so many applications to work for us in Ikea Valencia Alfafar that our server has collapsed," the company said in a Facebook message.
"We have temporarily closed the process until we find a solution that enables the online form to function correctly," added a spokesman for Ikea in Spain, Rodrigo Sanchez.
DON'T MISS: The biggest Ikeas in the world
"We have received a total of 20,000 applications in the two days that the form has been available," for a total of 400 jobs in the store, Sanchez told AFP.
He said that was four times more applications in the first two days than during any of Ikea's previous 15 store openings in Spain   
The largest ever number of applications to work at Ikea in Spain was 50,000 for its store that opened in the southern city of Jerez in 2009 -- but those applications were spread over a whole month, he said.
Sanchez said the new branch would create 400 direct jobs in the store and 80 more indirect ones for workers such as security guards and cleaners, and involved an investment of $109 million.
The online application page on Wednesday displayed an apologetic message promising to get in touch with all those who had tried to apply.
"We want to thank all of you for your interest in joining the team at Ikea Valencia Alfafar and apologize for the trouble caused."
Five years of on-off recession sparked by the collapse of a building boom in 2008 have thrown millions of Spaniards out of work. The national unemployment rate is currently close to 26 percent.

How the NSA is tracking people right now


Back to Housing Bubbles

 project-syndicate by Nouriel Roubini


羅比尼警告 18國房市現泡沫


羅 比尼近日在「Project Syndicate」撰文指出,很多國家房市泡沫破裂是造成二○○八到二○○九年全球金融危機主因,隨後更出現嚴重衰退。其中美國房市泡沫破滅已廣為人 知,而法規及銀行監理更鬆散的英國、西班牙、愛爾蘭、冰島及杜拜等國也都出現房市泡沫破滅情況。

2013年12月3日 星期二

中國人權惡化 (維權律師高智晟)「牙籤插生殖器」酷刑仍存

【大陸中心/台北報導】曾協助山東盲人維權律師陳光誠逃往美國的對華援助協會牧師傅希秋今在台北呼籲,台灣對中國的人權問題切勿採取「鴕鳥政策」,如果台 灣持續漠視中國人權議題,將會讓中國民眾對台灣的民主產生質疑。他透露維權律師高智晟被關押期間,曾遭「牙籤插入生殖器」的酷刑,中共殘酷令人髮指。



俄海關截獲 中國製熨斗、電熱壺藏間諜晶片


〔編譯詹立群/綜合外電報導〕在俄羅斯遭控贈送含木馬病毒的隨身碟給二十國集團與會者之後,又傳出 俄羅斯海關人員在中國出口的家電,包括電熱水壺、熨斗、手機與行車紀錄器中發現藏有微型竊聽晶片,通電時藉由未加密無線網路WiFi連結兩百公尺內的電 腦,將在俄國蒐集的資料傳回中國伺服器。
英 國科技網站The Register報導,在這批可疑家電中,發現有二十到三十個藏有晶片。而俄羅斯國家電視台Rossiya24畫面顯示,工程師從拆開的中國製熨斗底部取 出間諜晶片,稱為「小麥克風」。根據「透視俄羅斯」消息,此批家電在從中國離岸前就因重量有差異遭俄國海關鎖定,貨物被攔截在中俄邊界,經專家檢查後發現 被植入晶片。負責該批貨物的俄國報關行Panimport經理帕夫洛夫稱,這批貨物屬於黑貂公司(Sable Ltd.),隱藏晶片可用來滲透公司內部網路,在不知情下將資料外傳。報導稱,至少逾三十款家電被送往聖彼得堡的零售商販售。
專家質疑 竊聽平民不合常理
但也有專家反駁,畢竟竊聽一般平民不合常理,且家電通常處於斷電狀態。科技網誌Gizmodo報導,這也有可能是一場誤會,因為無線WiFi熱水壺早已問世。The Register也質疑,從家電出現些微重量差異就能判斷出異狀,未免太不可思議。

2013年10月31日 星期四


読売新聞 10月31日(木)19時54分配信


中信銀砸156億 買東京之星銀行libertytimes
〔記者李靚慧/台北報導〕中信金(2891)董事會昨日也通過傳言許久的日本「東京之星」併購案,子公司中國信託商銀昨日與東京之星2大股東,簽定股權購買合約,中信銀以520億日圓(約156億台幣)取得日本東京之星銀行(Tokyo Star Bank)98.16%股權,未來將持續向剩餘股東收購股權,以100%持股為目標,但「東京之星」的銀行名稱不會改變,以穩固既有日本客戶的業務。

2013年10月24日 星期四

Japan Needs More Brawling Billionaires

Japan Needs More Brawling Billionaires

Japan is being treated to a juicy spectacle as two of its richest and most innovative entrepreneurs brawl in public over Internet market share and visions for the future. But what’s most important about the fight between Masayoshi Son and Hiroshi Mikitani is the example it’s setting.
The two men have much in common. They are self-made billionaires who founded game-changing technology companies -- Son with mobile-phone carrier SoftBank Corp., Mikitani with e-commerce giant Rakuten Inc. Each is his company’s largest shareholder, fully fluent in English (a rarity in corporate Japan) and U.S.-educated (Son at the University of California at Berkeley; Mikitani at Harvard University). Both are married with two kids. Both make splashy investments in overseas Internet companies (Son in Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.; Mikitani in Pinterest Inc.). Both are sports nuts who own baseball teams.

Son and Mikitani are also the faces of New Japan and unapologetic critics of Japan Inc.’s clubby, insular ways. They oppose nuclear power, a stance that puts them in direct conflict with the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and Japan’s powerful business lobby, Nippon Keidanren.
Above all, both share a passion for change and are the kind of creature Japan needs more of as it tries to end a 20-year funk. As they mix it up and make headlines around the globe, they are adding some much-needed energy to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s revival plans.

2013年10月11日 星期五

Shinzo Abe: Unleashing the Power of 'Womenomics'

cn.wsj 安倍晉三:讓“女性經濟學”發揮威力



Our goal in Japan is to boost women in the workforce significantly by 2020 and reduce pay disparity.

I have no idea who first coined the word "Abenomics." It was not my original term for the set of anti-deflation, growth-promotion policies I am now pursuing.
I do know, however, who first promoted one concept that is a vital component of Abenomics: "Womenomics." In 1999, Kathy Matsui and her colleagues at Goldman Sachs GS +0.95% first advocated that Japan could increase its gross domestic product by as much as 15% simply by tapping further its most underutilized resource—Japanese women.

2013年10月8日 星期二


自由電子報 - 侯寬仁批馬 呼叫蔡守訓

◎ 高英俊








2013年10月5日 星期六

長江澳洲逃稅 要繳7億美元/李嘉誠脫產 全為愛爾蘭O2

長江澳洲逃稅 要繳7億美元
2013.10.04 03:50 am



報導指出,8月30日澳洲聯邦法院維多利亞分院法官Michelle Gordon判處長江基建3.57億美元、電能實業3.7億美元及2000年至2009年間長江實業的逃稅款項和未及時向各稅收部門繳交的罰金。

2013年10月4日 星期五

Exposure: Inside the Olympus Scandal: How I Went from CEO to Whistleblower (2012) by Michael Woodford (Author)



 It's a corrupt giant Japanese company. That's why Japan had a lost 20 years. Plutocrcy is the answer of all the enigma about Japan . As Van Wolferen, 
Karel said in "The Enigma of Japanese Power " : 
「Japanese power is described as being held by a loose group of unaccountable elites who operate behind the scenes. Because this power is loosely held, those who wield it escape responsibility for the consequences when things go wrong as there is no one who can be held accountable.」en.wikipedia
博客來 告密者:Olympus前執行長捨命揭露20年假帳的故事

“It was no comfort to know that I was making history, for the forced removal of a company president is almost unheard of in Japan. I rose quietly, left the room, and holding my head high, walked back to my office. My main goal was to escape as quickly as pos­sible. The board had seemed scared—why else would they have acted the way they did. But just what were they scared of?”
When Michael Woodford was made president of Olympus—the company to which he had dedi­cated thirty years of his career—he became the first Westerner ever to climb the ranks of one of Japan’s corporate giants. Some wondered at the appointment—how could a gaijin who didn’t even speak Japanese understand how to run a Japanese company? But within months Wood­ford had gained the confidence of most of his colleagues and shareholders. Unfortunately, soon after, his dream job turned into a nightmare.
The trouble began when Woodford learned about a series of bizarre mergers and aquisi­tions deals totaling  $1.7 billion—ascandal that threatened to bring down the entire company if exposed. He turned to his fellow executives— including the chairman who had promoted him Tsuyoshi Kikukawa—for answers. But instead of being heralded as a hero for trying to save the company, Woodford was met with vague responses and hostility—a clear sign of a cover up. Undeterred, he demanded to be made CEO so he could have more leverage with his board and continue to search for the truth. Then, just weeks after being granted the top title, he was fired in a boardroom coup that shocked Japan and the business world at large. Worried his for­mer bosses might try to silence him, Woodford immediately fled the country in fear of his life and went straight to the press—making him the first CEO of a global multinational to blow the whistle on his own company.

Citigroup fined $30 million after analyst sent report to SAC, others


(Reuters) - Citigroup Inc will pay a $30 million fine after one of its analysts improperly sent confidential research on an Apple supplier to big clients including Steven A. Cohen's hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, a securities regulator said on Thursday.
Citigroup analyst Kevin Chang emailed unpublished research about Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, a major supplier of Apple Inc iPhones, to SAC, T. Rowe Price, Citadel and GLG Partners, according to William Galvin, Massachusetts' Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Chang's research included lower order forecasts for Apple's iPhones in the first quarter of 2013, which would have had a detrimental effect on Apple, the regulator said.

2013年10月3日 星期四

台灣司法小暴君:翻盤 黃世銘圖再辦柯建銘 緊咬電通案 分案查偽證 證人拒絕作證,行使緘默權 要限制住居,又被律師指正說:「他字案不能作強制處分,下次傳喚請改偵字案再說。」

不僅涉嫌濫權追訴 甚至連證人他字案不能作強制處分



2013年10月1日 星期二


libertytimes 退出校園喊假的 教官轉進國中小
新北市新莊區裕民國小九月二十七日邀請丹鳳高中教官張偉晃到校,對六年級學生演講,祭出有獎徵答吸引小朋友注意。 (記者郭顏慧攝)

現在 高中大學也要淘汰它們

2013年9月25日 星期三

First P-3C submarine hunter arrives in (Pingtung County) Taiwan from US

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – The first of 12 P-3C anti-submarine aircraft Taiwan ordered from the United States arrived in Pingtung County Wednesday.

2013年9月21日 星期六

世界經濟自由度 台灣排第15




這份由加拿大佛瑞瑟研究所(Fraser Institute)所公布2013年世界經濟自由年度報告書(Economic Freedom of the World: 2013 Annual Report)中,以42個觀察指標來對世界各國與地區的經濟自由度進行評比,其中包括個人選擇、競爭自由度、私有財產的保障等。台灣排名第15(得分 7.77),與去年名次(得分7.72)相同,但總體得分增加。

First P-3C anti-submarine aircraft to arrive (in Taiwan) next week



Missile Defense Radar Fielded in Taiwan

 worldwatch-worldwatch 耗資409億 長程預警雷達成軍

A Dossier on the Pave Paws Radar Installation
on Leshan, Taiwan 樂山
Missile Defense Radar Fielded in Taiwan
Feb. 4, 2013
A $1.4 billion missile defense radar has been activated in Taiwan, Agence France-Presse reported on
"The radar is able to provide us with more than six minutes' warning in preparation for any surprise
attacks," air force Lt. Gen. Wu Wan-chiao said to the news agency.

and now the P-3C anti-submarine aircraft will arrive in Taiwan.
2013/09/21 22:37:40

Taipei, Sept. 21 (CNA) The first of 12 submarine-hunting aircraft purchased from the United States will arrive in Taiwan on Sept. 23 or Sept. 24, the military said Saturday.

2013年9月18日 星期三

Leap Motion as The Future of Design (Elon Musk demonstrate)

That's a great leap for human communication .
Maybe used in military tech and industrial manufacture .
Now Tesla can develop as a remote drive design.



「當立法權和行政權集中在同一個人或同一個機關之手,自由便不復存在了;因為人們將要害怕這個國王或議會制定暴虐的法 律,並暴虐地執行這些法律。
如果司法權不同立法權和行政權分立,自由也就不存在了。如果司法權同立法權合而為一,則將對公民的生命和自由施行專斷的權 力,因為法官就是立法者。如果司法權同行政權合而為一,法官便將握有壓迫者的力量。

2013年9月13日 星期五




台灣蘋果日報 菅直人否認曾說過肯定台電核一廠


【王玉樹/台北報導】日本前首相、現任眾議員菅直人昨下午參訪核一廠,聽取台電說明核一在日本福島事故後所進行的核能安全強化措施。台電在他離去後發出新 聞稿表示,菅直人對核一廠用過核燃料補水措施、爐心隔離冷卻系統、及備用氣冷式氣渦輪發電機位於高處等改善措施,較福島一廠優良表示肯定。但是晚上菅直人 應邀到(自由廣場)反核四五六運動發表演講時予以駁斥說他只是聽取台電報告一堆福島核災後的設備與安全改善措施,「只是聽取沒有稱讚。」
由於菅 直人到來,今晚反核四五六運動人潮也將往常爆增到千人,連前行政院院長謝長廷都在場聆聽。菅直人表示,世界沒有任何一個核電廠是安全的,尤其台灣位在地震 帶上,核四又距離台北只有22公里,如發生核災撤離的災難人數遠超過福島。他最後呼籲「讓世界成為零核世界」,獲得在場者熱烈掌聲。

2013年9月11日 星期三











黨籍確認 法院判許舒博勝訴──確認台灣政黨從屬於司法裁決

2013年9月2日 星期一

香港人的哀鳴:為甚麼台韓星「能」而香港「不能」 31/8/2013(香港蘋論)



 hk.apple.nextmedia 香港蘋果日報
為甚麼台韓星「能」而香港「不能」 31/8/2013

新加坡政府推出一些新政,尤其是增加中低收入家庭的購屋津貼,香港有人生出「新加坡能,香港何以不能」的慨嘆。早些時候,台灣只用三個月時間,就促使菲律 賓政府就槍殺台灣漁民事件公開道歉兼賠償,香港也有人慨嘆「台灣能,香港何以不能」。至於四小龍中韓國的許多「能」而香港不能,則早已超出香港人的想像範 圍之外了。





大老闆砍樓 信義區豪宅成交每坪110萬





http://udn.com/台積發債 7年期80億流標

合計本次台積電共發出40億元債券,標出率僅原額度的1/3,券商主管指出,10年期指標公債殖利率昨天開高走低,市場多空交戰氣氛明顯,但以台積電標債 結果,預期將對短線債市交易呈現負面影響,今年底前有發行公司債計畫的鴻海、台塑、中油等其他企業,也可能調整發債策略。


2013年8月31日 星期六

2013年8月23日 星期五

Lawmakers Probe Willful Abuses of Power by NSA Analysts

“The National Security Agency (NSA) cloud is about big data and creating unicorns.dataversity.net : big data at the nsa


The leaders of U.S. congressional intelligence committees said they want to probe the intentional abuses of surveillance authority committed by some National Security Agency analysts in the past decade.
The Threat Operations Center inside the National Security Agency in Fort Mead, Maryland, in this 2006 file photo. Photographer: Paul J. Richards/AFP via Getty Images

“I am reviewing each of these incidents in detail,” Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat and chairman of the Senate intelligence panel, said in a statement, after the NSA confirmed to Bloomberg News yesterday that some analysts deliberately ignored restrictions on their authority to spy on Americans.
“Any case of noncompliance is unacceptable, but these small numbers of cases do not change my view that NSA takes significant care to prevent any abuses and that there is a substantial oversight system in place,” Feinstein said.
The incidents, chronicled by the NSA’s inspector general, provide additional evidence that U.S. intelligence agencies sometimes have violated the legal and administrative restrictions on domestic spying, and may add to the pressure to bolster laws that govern intelligence activities.

Syria: Chuck Hagel suggests US is marshalling military forces

Defence secretary Chuck Hagel
Defence secretary Chuck Hagel.
 Maybe he can learn from general Schwarzkopf's war plan of ''desert storm'',
which he attacked from the back, from the sea .

US defence secretary says his department is providing Barack Obama with 'options for all contingencies'

The US defence secretary, Chuck Hagel, strongly suggested on Friday the United States was positioning naval forces and assets in anticipation of any decision by President Barack Obama to order military action against Syria after apparent chemical weapons use.
Hagel's comments to reporters traveling with him to Malaysia came after a defence official said the Navy would expand its presence in the Mediterranean with a fourth cruise-missile armed warship because of the escalating civil war in Syria.

2013年8月17日 星期六

Manila, Washington begin talks to increase U.S. troop rotations

U.S. soldiers ride on an all terrain vehicle (ATV) after arriving at the 103rd Army Brigade headquarters near Isabela town on Basilan island February 16, 2002.


 Just like Rome  seige Carthage . Because support of
strong alliance , Rome republic finally defeated Hannibal.

(Reuters) - The United States and the Philippines begin formal negotiations this week to increase rotational presence of U.S. forces in the former U.S. colony, deploying aircraft, ships, supplies and troops for humanitarian and maritime security operations.

富邦人壽 蠢到爆炸── 富邦退出實體百貨 環亞店、信義店由微風廣場接手



在台灣 要成功經營百貨業

 http://www.libertytimes 自由時報 

 http://news.chinatimes 工商時報: 富邦玩不下去 momo百貨轉手微風


〔記者卓怡君、廖千瑩/台北報導〕富邦momo退出實體百貨!富邦momo媒體科技董事會決定結束 旗下實體百貨商場營運,旗下兩個據點將轉由微風廣場經營。富邦momo董事長林福星表示,近年台灣消費力不佳,百貨競爭激烈,momo百貨規模不大,獲利 不易,未來將專注虛擬電視購物與網購業務。

2013年8月13日 星期二

買劉黎兒關鍵字推核安 廠商:去問經濟部



http://newtalk.tw新頭殼newtalk 2013.08.12 林朝億/台北報導

appledaily蘋果日報: 經濟部「強迫洗腦」 劉黎兒斥「卑鄙可惡至極」

 旅日作家劉黎兒近年來投入台灣廢核運動,但在奇摩雅虎輸入「劉黎兒」名字,卻出現「確保核安 穩健減核」網站連結。連去這個網站,雖然出現經濟部等字眼,但卻都沒有任何說明這是經濟部所架設的擁核網站。對此,廠商偉瑟科技蘇姓經理受訪時向新頭殼表 示,關鍵字的廣告非他們所購買,相關事宜要去問經濟部。



緊急下架 已被備份瘋狂轉貼

〔記者蘇芳禾/台北報導〕中央社昨早發出「亞錦賽錯稱中國台北 抗議奏效」的新聞,詳述我方抗議過程,但標題前方竟注明「總編裁示不發」(見圖,取材自中央社網站)引發外界側目,其後,中央社更進一步撤稿,各大入口網站的新聞也跟著下架,但已經遭到網友備份轉貼,網路論壇上罵聲不斷,「爛透了!納稅錢還來」、「中央社已經當新華社(中國國家通訊社)分支了嗎?」

2013年8月12日 星期一

The hyperloop: Faster than speed of sound

The hyperloop railway. Picture: Supplied
The hyperloop railway. Picture: Supplied
so, the key question is still the energy , just like his electric car Telsa Motors .


CAPABLE of travelling faster than the speed of sound, the 'hyperloop' could soon become the 'fifth mode of transport' if the dreams of its billionaire creator come true. 

Reaching speeds of more than 1102 kilometres per hour, and described as "a cross between a Concorde, a railgun, and an air-hockey table", the hyperloop could get you to your destination in half the time of the average plane.

2013年8月11日 星期日

President Obama meets with Tim Cook, other tech execs to discuss surveillance and the ACLU's response



by Michael Grothaus Aug 9th 2013

On Thursday, President Barack Obama met with Tim Cook and other tech executives from companies like Google and AT&T to discuss government surveillance, 
Civil liberties leaders were also at the closed-door meeting. The White House declined to comment about the details of the meeting, and all the attendees also declined to comment to Politico about any specifics. However, a White House aide did tell Politico:
"This is one of a number of discussions the administration is having with experts and stakeholders in response to the president's directive to have a national dialogue about how to best protect privacy in a digital era, including how to respect privacy while defending our national security."

2013年8月9日 星期五

Lavabit email service abruptly shut down citing government interference


Spencer Ackerman in Washington
theguardian.com, Friday 9 August 2013 07.58 BST    

Founder of service reportedly used by Edward Snowden said he would not be complicit in 'crimes against the American people'

The email service reportedly used by surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden abruptly shut down on Thursday after its owner cryptically announced his refusal to become "complicit in crimes against the American people."

2013年8月8日 星期四

信義A25流標 恐降價或改地上權



信義A25流標 恐降價或改地上權



2013年8月5日 星期一

Thief caught after he ‘steals stretch of road’

Parcheg, Russia


Thieves normally steal objects that are easy to transport so it might have come as a surprise when one criminal reportedly made off with a whole stretch of road.
Just as confusing was the fact that no-one seemingly noticed part of the Russian highway had gone until the man had dismantled a large portion of it and removed 82 slabs of concrete.
The only possible explanations for this were he was either very quick when he made his getaway in the republic of Komi, or the place was deserted.
The street pieces were apparently loaded on to three large trucks after being chiselled off by a machine thought to be an industrial manipulator (a combined forklift and bulldozer).
The vehicles were later stopped by police.

2013年7月31日 星期三

郝明義辭國策顧問 建議馬別再「謝謝指教」

libertytimes 抗議馬「造謠說」 郝明義辭國策顧問




2013年7月30日 星期二





那是要把台灣打造成   跟北韓獨裁政權洗腦下產生出的




所說的 要多多報導清純新聞




U.S. Deploying Jets Around Asia to Keep China Surrounded

Posted By John Reed Monday, July 29, 2013 - 2:04 PM



The United States Air Force will dramatically expand its military presence across the Pacific this year, sending jets to Thailand, India, Singapore, and Australia, according to the service's top general in the region.
For a major chunk of America's military community, the so-called "pivot to Asia" might seem like nothing more than an empty catchphrase, especially with the Middle East once again in flames. But for the Air Force at least, the shift is very real. And the idea behind its pivot is simple: ring China with U.S. and allied forces, just like the West did to the Soviet Union, back in the Cold War.
U.S. military officials constantly say they aren't trying to contain China; they're working with the Chinese and other Pacific nations to "maintain stability" in the region. Still, a ring of bases looks an awful lot like something we've seen before.

2013年7月29日 星期一

Five Eyes

Is 'The Five Eyes Alliance' Conspiring to Spy on You?

The dire threat of surveillance agencies working together to keep an eye on one another's citizens

theatlantic http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/politics/five%20eyes%20alliance.png



Did you know that the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand participate together in an electronic eavesdropping cooperative called "The Five Eyes Alliance"? Or that Britain "has secretly gained access to the network of cables which carry the world's phone calls and internet traffic and has started to process vast streams of sensitive personal information which it is sharing with its American partner, the National Security Agency"? That's big news, right!

2013年7月27日 星期六

68-year-old man born blind sees for the first time after operation

Still of Pierre-Paul Thomas - © The Montreal Gazette, http://aka.ms/blindeyesfixed

When Pierre-Paul Thomas was born blind 68 years ago, there was nothing medical science could do for him. Two years ago, the Montreal man fell down a flight of stairs, fracturing facial bones, including those around his eye sockets. During the recuperation process at Montreal General Hospital, plastic surgeon Lucie Lessard asked a casual question: "Do you want us to fix your eyes, too?" Two simple cataract removal operations later, Thomas could see. Though he's still adjusting to changing his fingertip sense memory to visuals, Thomas is thrilled to be in an amazing new world. "It's like I’m a child all over again," he said.

Rep. Amash’s Amendment To Defund The NSA’s Domestic Phone Metadata Program Fails 205-217


It's very close , which means NSA can still do broad surveillance of U.S. citizens and the retention of information relating to their actions.

Today Rep. Amash’s amendment to the 2014 Defense Appropriations Bill failed in the House on a vote of 205 in favor to 217 opposed. When it became known that the amendment would in fact come up for a vote, the powers of the status quo came together to decry its tenets as ham-fisted and irresponsible.
The White House called the amendment a “blunt approach” that is not “the product of an informed, open, or deliberative process.” Naturally, the irony of that specific complaint resonates: The intelligence programs in question were not enacted with any of those forms of debate. To ask that their rescinding be held to a higher standard then their enaction is hubris of a real sort.

2013年7月25日 星期四

Hitting China’s Wall


World War Z in Taiwan : Pets banned from forest parks in rabies alert


ent.tw.msn 殭屍病毒來自台灣?
appledaily.com.tw 小布折騰全球查活屍病毒 扯台灣陷《末日之戰》
3kirikou.org 農委會放任病毒突變

Taiwan has been on high alert against rabies since a farmer in Taitung County was bitten Monday by a rabies-infected Formosan ferret-badger.

In a move to prevent the spread of the disease, the Council of Agriculture (COA) announced Wednesday that domestic pets will be barred from entering 22 recreational forests in Taiwan.

Pets that have been vaccinated against rabies should also be kept away from such areas to avoid contact with wild animals, the COA said.

2013年7月24日 星期三

Study: Google accounts for 25 percent of all Internet traffic


The diversified range of new products being built and provided by Google now make the company accountable for nearly 25 percent of all Internet traffic, up from a mere 6 percent just three years ago, according to a new study.
Based on measurements of end device and audience share, that makes the Internet company’s reach larger than Facebook, Netflix and Twitter combined, according to Deepfield, a big data and Internet infrastructure research firm.
Deepfield claims that 60 percent of all Internet end devices or users exchange traffic with Google servers during the course of an average day.
Some 60 percent of all Internet end devices exchange traffic with Google servers during the course of an average day, said Deepfield, which conducted the ongoing study. The analysis includes computers and mobile devices as well as hundreds of varieties of game consoles, home media appliances and other embedded devices like Apple TV, Roku, Xbox 360 and mobile apps.
The data focus primarily on North America and cover roughly one-fifth of the U.S. consumer Internet, making it “the largest ongoing study of its kind,” the group said in a blog post.

Behind Google’s rise

Deepfield co-founder Craig Labovitz attributed the meteoric rise in traffic patterns to server growth at Google as well as the success of a range of products such as YouTube (which the company bought for $1.65 billion in 2006), Android-based mobile devices and various Google cloud services like Google Drive.

2013年7月18日 星期四

Here's how Elon Musk's Hyperloop might actually work

How do you get from Los Angeles to San Francisco in 30 minutes?

住洛杉磯的馬斯克Elon Musk,不滿加州高鐵興建費用高達700億美元約2兆元台幣,全球最貴,但速度卻是全球最慢,於是提出僅10之1興建費用的「超高速迴路」(Hyperloop)高鐵系統。

Elon Musk has made his name on big ideas, whether it's space tourism or the electric car — but his latest project, mysteriously dubbed the Hyperloop, may be more revolutionary than anything he's done. It started with a simple promise: the ability to travel from Los Angeles to San Francisco in half an hour. As time went on, Musk added more. It would be low-friction, and use such minimal power that the entire thing could be run on electricity from solar panels installed above the tracks. It would use small pods, leaving "whenever you arrive" instead of cleaving to a schedule like an airliner. He's promised to unveil his alpha design for the project in just under a month's time, but already, observers are speculating on exactly how this next-generation transportation scheme would work.
The closest we've got is Japan's bullet train
The details Musk has already hinted at tell us a great deal about the project, and outline a number of the challenges he's likely to face. Based on simple math, we know it will have to travel an average of more than 600 mph. And it will have to do so almost frictionlessly, allowing for the low-power travel Musk envisions. It's a big promise, and one that would have major consequences for the transportation industry and for society at large. For the technically minded, it raises the obvious question: how in the world is this thing going to work?
So far, the closest we’ve got is Japan's superconducting maglev train — best known as the "bullet train." Its official top speed is 361mph, although it usually travels closer to 300 mph. Jim Powell, co-inventor of the bullet train and current director of Maglev 2000, thinks that’s as fast as open-air rail lines will ever go. "Air drag becomes too much of a problem after 300 mph, just from a power point of view," Powell says. "And then that air drag starts to generate noise. You wouldn’t want an airplane flying past your house at 600 mph."

The Hyperloop would solve that by enclosing the craft in a tube, creating a hermetically sealed environment that a car could move through with as little friction as possible. But what’s inside the tube is still unclear.

2013年7月17日 星期三

China names GSK bribery suspects

GSK's office in Beijing. Four managers have been named as suspects in a bribery case
GSK's office in Beijing. Four managers have been named as suspects in a bribery case. Photograph: Alexander F Yuan/AP

Associated Press in Beijing
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 16 July 2013 03.42 BST 

Four managers at Chinese arm of drug company accused of web of payments to doctors, medical industry and officials

Chinese state media have named four managers of drug manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline accused by police of paying millions in bribes to doctors and others.
The police ministry had earlier announced that GSK employees were under investigation for paying bribes that were passed through travel agencies. It said the bribes were aimed at increasing sales.
Four employees being questioned include a vice-president and human resources director of Glaxo's Chinese unit, the Xinhua News Agency said on Monday, citing police as the source of the information.
They were named as Liang Hong, vice-president and operations manager; Zhang Guowei, vice-president and human resources head; Zhao Hongyan, legal affairs director; and Huang Hong, business development manager.

Taiwanes soldier was murdered by Taiwanese government.

By Dragonhu1858  |  Posted July 15, 2013  |  Taipei, Taiwan
The Taiwanese army yesterday apologized for the death of a soldier and promised to punish personnel responsible for the incident.

Hung Chung-chiu (洪仲丘), a soldier performing compulsory service in the army’s sixth regiment, died three days before he was due to complete his term of service.

The army said Hung was scheduled to leave the military on Saturday.

On June 23 he was found carrying a cellphone with a camera and an MP3 player after returning from vacation, and was placed in confinement on June 28.


